
“I am glad immer noch, ich träume”

“I am glad immer noch, ich träume”

I won the competition by the para-swimmer Elena Semechin in a sensational Final a new Welfare Competition and the Paralympic Games in the 100 meters Brust. We were all those years gone from everything else as one of the most successful Berlinerin: in September 2021, just six weeks after her victory in Tokyo, a hair tumor was established at Semechin. She started a camp with a life of its own and a personal life of its own.

In my interview with the Paralympics-Zeitung I talked about the events in Paris and about the time when the man saw the Glauben himself and had to lose his own Träume.

Frau Semechin, in the Thursday night, has played her gold medal at the Paralympic Games and is obsessed with her own Weltrekord submarines. Have you realized your inheritance?
Tage’s passings were intense. So fell Eindrücke, Glückwünsche and Emotionen. I can’t be so good and everything can’t be so sensible. I’m glad immer noch, ich träume. I am completely happy, happy, happy and grateful, that’s how everything turned out.

After the holidays on Thursday morning, I had a clear soul, a new best time for swimming. Would you like to have more fun with the Gold Medal or the Weltrekcord?
Definitely about the new Bestzeit. The war has begun. From 2019, you will see. It is war for my opinion, but it is a shame, my performance is not so good. The war for my greatest fragment in the past years. If there is an unglazed equipment, and my Trainer hat is an unglazed scratch on the track. It is so that it has grown so and that the Leistung has yielded this, it is absolutely not self-wise. If we have an einfach-stolz, then this Topergebnis will have erreicht.

Do you want to realize that your welfare guarantee has been swamped?
I was of the opinion that my first experience was the war, and that I am super-feeling. At the Stimmung it works a little bit. When the block is opened, there is a yellow air hat. If it is right, I have won. If I am right, which is not necessary: ​​Congratulations on the new Weltrekord. I could not understand and thought that I was now like this: was, ich? Then the emotions came, and my interview with Fernsehen must happen in his first life. Es hat mich alles so überflutet. I enjoyed it so much and then I must not do it so well. Ich war sprachlos en konnte nichts meer sagen. Honestly said, I am still that. I am rarely that, but I was really lucky.

I want the Welfare Order of 2019 to be going on for a while and be another speeder for the coming years. Who wants to have such a camp that distinguishes itself and comes from here?
I have had a relatively big war. If all goes well, everything will happen and a tolle prevent. I have made the time of year explicit. In the last three months before the games I have completely enjoyed myself, the training and the enjoyment. If all goes well, the perfect balance is upset and the day comes, and that can be terrible. Then we only had to focus on everything, what we had spent hours, weeks, months. I would like to sit in the wash. It is a war that is wonderful.

Do you enjoy training during this time?
No, in no case. Even at the last match before the games (International German Masters in Berlin in June, Anm.dR) I was very excited and sad. The war can only be Rennen von Mir. I thought that maybe I was not on the right track, but had a strange vermutet. If I have spent a long time for the first time, if I want to say something, it may be that I have to buy it. Once it is so far, sessions will gladly stand up and go beyond the boundaries. Along the side of the face, it is a blow. I think it did not happen in the Ruhe.

Also the war in the final of the Donnerstag will be the best time, which has swum since 2019?
If you have a good experience in training, it is more natural to do other things, than to bring on the Bahn. For everything with such a great Ereignis. The experiences were also right big. It was a lot of attention. It was a war in a pressure situation, because everything that would happen so often was. When my family and friends are around, the life of Schwimmen can lead his life. Then I also had fear, that I lost. Or my head and nerves. Finally it has done a bit, a Day X at his mir, all his minds and the Bahn that he brings.

Who is there, genau in diesem Moment die 100 Prozent abzurufen?
I have my self-esteem now that the technique is developed. So who is my training with mache: I go further and other others as the details of eight. The war between the heads by the law battles. With me and the technique are. On the last meter I thought: Okay, now all-in. Everything, was still in this place. Go to Wall and to the connection. Then Hat’s insight. It is the Madness.

Do you want to know what the costs are that you notice, is it a good choice for the Welvaartsoord?
I have never thought about the Weltrekord. I can do one thing and that is how it went. If someone has a problem and does not have the time to stop, he cannot do it. It is now a Zehntel or a Hundertstel. I feel that I have had a check and that the war is hard.

You can draw a ring with the Olympic rings by hand. Do you want to imagine, or an Olympic wettkämpfen or sogar Olympia partzunehmen?
It is not that it is a task or one of my to-do lists. Of course, the wettkämpfe can with unhindered spas and training unfassbar-gerne with other Schwimmerinnen. I hope that it is well with the person, but not with the attention. If it is not even a sage, then the start of Olympia will take place. I find a toll and it is my property. Wir machen das stop nur hindereinander. I am Prinzip machen with all Gleiche. Egal, Paralympic or Olympic.

Bei Ihrem Empfang im Deutschen Haus kamen Ihnen zu späterer Stunde am Donnerstag normal die Tränen. Were the Freudentränen or did the last one fall in recent years?
I had to briefly return to a tear. I would like to have my own feeling, it is a great experience. A war is a fact and can no longer be radiated and laughed at. It is a war that is a wonderful moment for life. It is so that everything has been clarified. I had no last one at all. It was pure fulfillment. The war is such an unclear moment for a war that is so electric. The war was a fact and the conscious was nothing, it was idiosyncratic in the fight. Oh my God, a trauma.

Elena Semechin with Trainer and Ehemann Philip Semechin

© IMAGO/Ralf Kuckuck

You can make an unclear diagnosis about the time of power in the course of the years after the credit diagnosis. Was bedeutet Ihnen jetzt dieser Sieg?
In the first line war is the pavement for me and fell also for other people of draußen. Vielleicht can be an art appreciation. It is wise to camp and to dranzubleiben. It is fun not to warm up and be positive about the thing you schauen. It is not that you worry about your performance sport. It is a banality, whoever you want to find, whoever your own hobbies are or how long it was. Ich hoffe, that my inheritance is whole, whole people a play is his can. Everyone should stand still on his dreams and wishes and continue to glauben.

If you have more concrete, then Ihren Mann and coach Phillip Semechin are not going to see what you say. Who can have a prefigurative period?
We have a clear insight: Ehemann at Hause – and Trainer at Beckenrand. It is one of both, very heavy. When the damals came to Berlin, they were never together. Damals was für mich schon helder: If you are a champion, then that is Mr. Semechin. Ich bin aus Bayern Dorthin gewechselt. If it is a little, this is a know-how hat. I am finally at war with the best separation between my lives.

What is the purpose of this treatment?
The end of chemotherapy was a fact that it was so simple. I would like to do sports in sports. If I have a fragment, look at the chance, it is a fact that I have received an answer. If you want to investigate and undertake a war, you can do this together. Of course, it is not possible to label everything, and what is perhaps the best thing is that you can do something else and discuss. For everything, it was my fault then auch hergibt. Schritt for Schritt and Piece for Piece are then more beyond the boundaries and are geschafft. So I privately as my friends, and as a trainer, in whatever way I can talk.

They became a son of the Fahne für Deutschland by the Abschlussfeier lagen. Haben Sie damit gechnet?
No, not at all. I got angry from Mr. Quade under his hat that he had shared with me. I was totally surprised. It is so that there are many sports teachers here with impressive stories. And then I dare to make that out?! For my own game this is a great way to make a perfect ending. An ending to the game can not imagine. It is one of the things you can do, if you do that.

Before you can go on for years, you can’t diagnose it so well. Who is the only one who does this?
I was first everything Stück for Stück beans and mirror for everything Zeit nehmen. Danach mache ich mich ein letztes Mal und my To Dos. I will learn Segeln. Viel Zeit in Berlin with meiner Familie and de Freunden verringen. That was the moment when the following years became a verpasst habe. You can enjoy your whole life.

If you feel yourself, it is not like you end up in the car wash. However, you are no longer thinking about leaving the German Para-Swimming. Do you want to see more for your remaining career?
It’s not that it’s new. We’ll be working in Australia for a couple of weeks for the first time. Not just the body, but also the spirit. Make sure you can’t use the pressure and performance sports gains. Also have little time for other things, like working a lot with the media and stopping progress. It’s okay if it’s good. I can do the best I can with all those experiences in this situation. This is the first priority.