
Hat trick – Hero Schramek führt ASC Götzendorf with souveränen 3:0-Sieg against the SV Zwölfaxing – Fußball Niederösterreich – Ergebnisse, Tables and Torschützen from all NÖ Ligen.

Hat trick – Hero Schramek führt ASC Götzendorf with souveränen 3:0-Sieg against the SV Zwölfaxing – Fußball Niederösterreich – Ergebnisse, Tables and Torschützen from all NÖ Ligen.

Game reports

ASC Götzendorf
SV Zwölfaxing

In an exciting Aufeinandertreffen in the 1. Klasse Ost (NÖ) the ASC Götzendorf played a clear 3:0-Heimsieg against the SV Zwölfaxing. An überragent Dominik Schramek saw all three things for the guest and brought the Götzendorfer damit to the Siegerstraße. They are also responsible for the hospitality of those guests who play such games.

Early Guidance by Schramek

The ASC Götzendorf began to delve into the party and the lie of Anfang and wanted Zweifel, where Herr in Haus ist. Achievements in the 9. Minute field of the first Tor: Dominik Schramek committed himself to the Verteidigung of the SV Zwolfaxing by and just finished his first 1:0-Führung. The Götzendorfers were alive after the Führung am Drücker and there were more chances.

The stay with the family is as good as possible, in the game you can find and you can suppress the fear of the house. In the 25. Minute wars there is Dominik Schramek, the sister of him: After a short war in the penalty frame lies the Torhüter of the Zwolfaxinger small chance and is high at 2:0 for the ASC Götzendorf. If you can play comfortably in the back control, you can play the game and let the ball rest during the own game.

Enjoy the hospitality of your guests

The second Halbzeit started at the beginning with a dominant Vorstellung from ASC Götzendorf. But das Spiel nahm een ​​entscheidende Wendung in der 53. Minute, als Dominik Schramek erneut zischlug and his trio Tor des Abends erzielte. My favorite Schuss game is at 3:0 and the power is perfect as Hattrick.

The SV Zwölfaxing combs in der Folge noch schlimmer. In the 57th minute, Mario Friedl-Senegacnik won a foul game with Gelb-Rot des Feldes. Die Gäste must be nun in Unterzahl, was his only shy revival, nor erschwerte. Nur wewenige minutes später, in der 71. Minute, sah Dominic Kreitmeier de Rote Karte voor een grobes Foulspiel. With two games on the Platz war of the SV Zwölfaxing now end good opportunities.

The ASC Götzendorf has now achieved numerical superiority and played the rest of the remaining time. Two boats are still no engine, but that is still in the height of their screws, but the Götzendorfer sails after the driving force of Schramek and is a soul striver in the Abschluss. The guests from Zwölfaxing fight for the tapfer, but can not set a more valuable note.

Der ASC Götzendorf dares to earn a 3:0 prize. The dreamy Torschütze Dominik Schramek avancierte dabei zum Mann des Abends and unfolded his wisdom for the team. The Zwölfaxinger hinges with each other in the lower level and the two Platzverweisen in the kommenden Spielen wieder new sammeln.

1. Class East: Götzendorf: Zwölfaxing – 3:0 (2:0)

  • 53

    Dominik Schramek 3:0

  • 25

    Dominik Schramek 2:0

  • 9

    Dominik Schramek 1:0

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