
NVIDIA Launches Billion-Dollar Reports: Analysts on Sin and Following | 08.09.24

NVIDIA Launches Billion-Dollar Reports: Analysts on Sin and Following | 08.09.24

• NVIDIA’s Ausblick verfehlt de Erwartungen der Wall Street
• Chipkonzern kündigt Aktienrückkaufprogramm an
• Experts a

NVIDIA has created a new version of the Quarterly Business Years 2025 proposal. By the chip companies that make more profit with AI-Boom, the companies can perform the highest controls on Wall Street with their spending.

NVIDIA can Aktienrückkaufprogramm an

The purchase of NVIDIA has a discount program in the amount of 50 billion US dollars and was twice as likely that a year’s purchase program in the amount of 25 billion US dollars was. Everything in the first half of the year NVIDIA Aktien kauft in a value of 15.4 million US dollars, soft drink from that Rückkaufprogram is the end of the quarters nor 7.5 million US dollars that were there. Laut MarketWatch deute der Umfang des nieuw Aktienrückkaufprogramms darauf hin, dass das Unternehmen seine Rückkäufe auch in Zukunft ausweiten könnte.

Birinyi Associates data is NVIDIA’s who together with the Facebook mother groups metaplatforms have been working in recent years – now that Apple and the Alphabet have gotten a big model, with MarketWatch reports. NVIDIA is now a company in the United States, which can buy an Aktienrückkauf program at a height of 50 million dollars or more. There are new, active programs developed that have executed 1.7 percent of the NVIDIA market capitalization, which promise about 2.9 billion US dollars.

Analyst: Unternehmen nimmt sich “Interessen der Aktionäre zu Herzen”

Melissa Otto from S&P Visible Alpha TMT takes a positive view of NVIDIA’s Aktienrückkauf. “If you see that there is a company that is trading over time, it is usually a matter of time, that the company is interested in trading and looking at the business, if you look at these things,” says MarketWatch the analyst. Otto thinks that the leadership of management teams is thinking about shareholder value. NVIDIA has released a “great platform”, while the financial institutions may not be so good now, that it is in the Zeit, “other things and the action that you think”, so the analyst. Ben Reitzes from Melius Research finds for NVIDIA now “a big Lever for Rückkäufe (…), if the Aktien has fallen”.

Strategy: Aktienrückkaufprogrammkracht möglicherweise keinen Sinn

There are all kinds of offers on other voices on the market. So there is James Stanley, leader of the Stratege von StoneX, who has not brought out the back-buying program, to take the first step. See the following as the back-buying program in a certain time, in the NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Action in a trading plan, possibly a sin, with a MarketWatch message. Although it is true that Huang after the strong performance of NVIDIA action in the years before, an abstosse and a sales plan for the NVIDIA CEO “a sin” had, but it was different, “when the Treasury Fund is used, um diesel is a company or no Allzeithochs”, so Stanley. There are a number of analysts who carry out the chipries activities as they follow the strategy of the strategy, which is “very good”.

Stanley expected NVIDIA not to invest its money in infrastructure investments and develop Tesla as a negative company. So the US-Elektroautobauer “overbuilt” its production capacities. When it comes to a “quick meal”, NVIDIA is worth more than a surplus.

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