
Weinlese in South Tyrol has started – South Tyrol News

Weinlese in South Tyrol has started – South Tyrol News

From: mk

Bozen – With the Trauben for the Sektgrundweine and first frühreifen Sorting into tifen Layers that started the Tage de Weinlese in South Tyrol. Sie steht am Ende schwieriger Monate im Weinberg. “Trotzdem since we were positive – not yet the quality of the year, even if the marketing situation was concerned,” says Andreas Kofler, Chairman of the Konsortiums Südtirol Wein.

War of 2024 for South Tyrol’s winemakers and farmers, a year with major reforms in Weinberg. “For everyone who enjoys their life and enjoy their happiness,” Kofler explains, “For all the reasons that the health and trauma of the patient and his or her family are related are required. “Whoever is a little concerned, that our own business in our large family business is good, even your individual Rebe fell at the time, fell labor and the entire know-how of the Winzer can be used,” thus the chairman of the Konsortiums.

Once you are on the market or in the course of the 2024 year with your car, while August was heavily affected by the legislature, the summer was a problematic readiness level. „The first acknowledgment is that they are worthy of all that they deserve, that is why they would be willing to do so,” says Kofler.

When the president of the consortiums takes the situation on the market, the heart of the market is like this: “The South Tyrolean wine producers are impressed, they can be marketed, because the market is so active and can be executed like this”, Kofler . The game of the market trend with fresh white and light rot wines from the secret restorers in the cards: “South Tyrol can produce an enormous amount of food and raw materials and terroirs refer and much less whey that are the right Answer to the global trends, also after who for large amounts Market potential – vielleicht sogar more than you think. “