
Flugzeug-Absturz: Two people die after Cessna-Start at Soest

Flugzeug-Absturz: Two people die after Cessna-Start at Soest

North Rhine-Westphalia
Kleinflugzeug stürzt ab – zwei Tote

Two people since being a Cessna-Absturz in Bad Sassendorf has come to life. Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa

Two people since being a Cessna-Absturz in Bad Sassendorf has come to life. Photo

© Christoph Reichwein/dpa

Beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs since in Bad Sassendorf two people have been welcomed. You can take a plane trip.

Beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs in Nordrhein-Westfälische Kreis Soest since two people have come to live. You can start at 4:30 PM at the Flugplatz in Bad Sassendorf, with a police chief aftercare officer. Zur Identität der both Insassen a Cessna 172 might be zunächst keine Angaben. Zahlreiche Augenzeugen must use the Unfall-mitansehen.

While man became the sow of absturzes, as he, who was the victim of the lost machine, counted a kind of “Fly In” on the small airport, said the police sergeant. A “Fly In” is a meeting of pilots and pilots, who travel with their flying planes.

Ursache für den Flugzeug-Absturz is unclear

The Ursache des Absturzes war is unclear. The machine will sit in one of the ways in the further corridors. Take care of your accident and wait for the first steps, according to the police.

If the Flugplatz is closed, the Federal Institute for Flugun Falluntersuchung de Arbeit vor Ort can be aufgenommen. Yet another technical error neither human Versagen nor other Ursache could be resolved.

Erst was a war in the form of a war of the Porta Westfalica in a round 100 Kilometer Luftlinie flight in 67 years after the pilot in a biplane had stood up and was a little come. Both are not known if they do not know what they expect from the police.
