
Pilot project started – Bad Vöslau: With the SchulRadBus sicher in die Schule kommen

Pilot project started – Bad Vöslau: With the SchulRadBus sicher in die Schule kommen

In many cases, the beginning of the debts can be one of the debts that cause the debts – for everything in the morning – a part of the content. A child and other way to travel more and motivate, the car is welding, where the new SchulRadBus is no longer in. The SchulRadBus is a “Bus” from the Fahrradern, with the Volksschoolchildren of his Eltern and police-educated Routenverkwortlichen safely accompanied to school. So make sure that your insight into street traffic and your Geschikkeit on Rad ebenfalls gefördert are.

After the residential area of ​​the Kinder der Volksschule, the Road is in Bad Vöslau three routes with 12 halts established. These are the aspects of the current traffic management and the overall performance of the traffic in the city environment.

Mobility Manager Wibke Strahl-Naderer says: “So on the other hand, a speed 30 zone was ordered in the Falkstraße. You can follow the following route with the three routes with the radar level of the traffic safety-abgefahren and the traffic safety route to the children’s area and with the traffic city council Thomas Lampl while traveling. There may have been business activities, but our Ansatz is a war that has protected the RadBus guilt for all companies that have tragedies and not regularity of the executive power.

After the start of the SchulRadBus Pilot Project, there is a mobility management project from NÖ Regional, from Radlobby Bad Vöslau and from the Stadtgemeinde Bad Vöslau.

Jenny Lischka von der Radlobby Bad Vöslau erklärt: „A small fine team of the Radlobby, engaged members and socially engaged people – Laura Kafka, Sebastian Busch, Peter Lischka, Georg Bruckmüller, Michael Glockner – wolten einen Bus aus Fahrrädern with Elternbegleitung zur Volksschule Bad Vöslau enjoy your life. There are more interesting and interesting information. It is a challenge, childhood is safer and concerned with the child’s guilt and the discourse along and regularly about the gewöhnen.”

Sowohl Mobilitätsmanagerin Wibke Strahl-Naderer der Nö. Regional and People’s Guilty Director Claudia Sax has taken on the project. Auch Informationsveranstaltungen fanden im Rathaus und in der Schule statt.

At the beginning of the summer, the Companions of the Landespolitie and the Mobiliteitsmanagement will be safe, but it is possible that the SchulRadBus has another starting chance. After the debt assistance was carried out by the SchulRadBus on a [email protected] nun landesweit ausgerollt.

Der SchulRadBus nimmt immer am Freitag fahrt auf

It is so much fun to be free in the fresh local initiators and representatives of the Radlobby Bad Vöslau with the Rad in de Schule activities. All messages about projects and interests at [email protected].

“The action of the 1. landsweide SchulRadBus has yielded more fantastic results: The communal Fahrt zur Schule begins with the Awareness signal for the wisdom of Movement in Alltag which is the Gemeinschaftssinn. “We are looking forward to the School RadBus on the road to the school”, explains Landtagsabgeordneter Peter Gerstner (FPÖ).