
Christina Giese is here to stay in Kassel and: We will be happy to welcome you

Christina Giese is here to stay in Kassel and: We will be happy to welcome you

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Christina Giese is here to stay in Kassel and: We will be happy to welcome you
In the Bergpark I know that: Christina Giese is as Gästeführerin in Kassel. I am absolutely sure of my representation. © Hannah Köllen

In our portrait series “On the way with” you start with people from Kassel in your way. We look at the everyday and look, it is really like that. Today: Guest leader Christina Giese.

Kassel – Ein heißer Summertag End of August. Die Sonne blasts mercilessly on the Vorplatz vom Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, in itself a handsome 40-member travel group attracts two guests from Kassel Marketing.

One of the people is Christina Giese, who has marketed her guests in Kassel and now regularly brings groups from all over the world to the various Ecks of the city tour. One day, a barrier-free tour through the Bergpark is on the agenda for Wishes of Guests – a senior citizen group from the Lüneburg Heath to visit in Kassel. Christina Giese has control over half of the tow truck on the way to the first station of the tour, to the Gewächshaus in the Bergpark.

While Strecke shows the guest a set of stones, two of the group take a look at the Löwenburg hat. Wilhelm IX. had this one built as a castle ruin, Christina Giese reports. “If the Neubau does a job that a castle ruin does, the new steps studies will take place at the aligned operation.”

Set off through Kassel with Gästeführerin Christina Giese

If the Gewächshaus says that Giese the plants in front of the Glashaus in Töpfen stay, when in the Erde is eingelassen is – and therefore also everzu bluhen. A look at the research of most guests said that a mistake had been made, but knew the name of the kopf.

This is another direction fontänenteich. Christina Giese navigates through the guest group, who is patiently on nachzügler, the raw images and video recordings of various flowers with their handy machines. Giese can still see the fascination of the human from the Bergpark nachvollziehen’Es is a toller Ort. My favorite place is the aqueduct. “Two female participants are not present, both of them receive Gieses voice as an engenehm: “Clear and understandable”, means a Lady, the other Nickt together. It owes the Giese of the guest leader training, by means of the organization and the conflict management of a speaking training on the Stundenplan.

Arrived at the fountain head, Giese has to improvise. “When the big fountain rises, there are only a few minutes left, while this happens as quickly as possible here,” says the Vellmarerin and the group’s striker, another piece with the direction of the aqueduct to space out. The most part-takers and part-takers encourage cheerfully. If all goes well, it is no longer possible to dive into the fountain head, while Christina Giese and the others part-takers return, after the water run at the aqueduct has begun.

Hostess Christina Giese führs through the Bergpark

This means that you can spend a lot of time in the water, after being environmentally friendly with the water on the greenhouses, from protesting with K+S, having grown up in the Lüneburger Heide again: “We live in our own home,” says Robert Hollmann , der die Reise organizer hat.

If it takes any more years, the 27-year-old guest in his group with his sister leaders must die. Gar nicht so einfach, da die Teilnehmer in unterschiedlichem Tempo underwegs since. A bisschen works on the Gruppe wich is a Haufen Kindergartenkinder, en alle wilde durcheinander wuseln.

A guest would like to erase a mirror, he is a Blitzableiter-gibt on the Herkules.

“One must always keep all the parts well in view,” said Giese, who himself radiated a moment of frantic excitement. If you see the flight, this is a perfect solution for other jobs such as overcrowding. “I’m sitting a lot at the PC, here I am, dancing and among people on the way,” said Giese. A guest remarks that Giese has a problem with his tragedy, but all problems will cause problems. “I have one like that. While the high flight is now in part of the mountain parks and is no longer on the grim frequency of the Cascades, I thought it wasn’t like that,” said Giese. But driving is not the only tool that the 27 years behind your driving are dragging along.

With hostess Christina Giese in Kassel Unterwegs

“I have my Namenschild dabei and a etwas Traubenzucker, Falls mir mal jemand umkippt.” Auch ihr Skript sei immer in ihrer Tasche. “Falls are my own year or another detail is not a failure,” said Giese, who recorded his flight in German, English and Japanese.

If the Gruppe is no longer enough, go to the large fountain. Während die Gäste staunen und fotografie, erzählt Giese: “I may die work as a guest, weil sie so abwechslungslungsreich ist.” Die Gruppen, die een Führung über Kassel Marketing buchen sehr unterschiedlich: von Senioren, über Studentengruppen, bis zu Familien or Freundesgruppen.

Most things seem in a good way, the brand can stand out and a steadfast night’s wonder. If you see a few fragments, then it is ad hoc no antweed to have. “A guest would like to know from me, because there is a lightning bolt on Hercules”, Giese remembers. Damals did not know the answer and then are no longer combined. “Now I know: Yes, sometimes there is a lightning bolt on the statue.”

Sie führt durch Kassel: Christina Giese is like a guest in the Bergpark below

Damit de Gästegruppe de Fontäne noch von Weitem kann, schlägt Giese vor, Richtung Schloss zurückzukehren. As the Führung ends, the Group speaks to the applause of the Gästeführerin. The positive feedback is good feedback, Verrät Giese im Anschluss. Bisher gehe sie vor jeder Führung noch mal ihr Skript in der jeweiligen Sprache durch. “With more routine than that, it is best to do otherwise”, that is how it is.

Robert Hollmann reveals: “If Kassel as a soul is going on a cultural journey, it will not go so well at first. Jetzt is alle froh, that will be one of the interesting city fears.” It seems that Christina Giese’s flight is a success.

Zehn Fragen and hostess Christina Giese

My favorite flavor: Spaghetti Bolognese.

My Sehnsuchtsort: The Japanese City of Fukui.

It brings me to the palm: Unreliability.

Mein Ausgleich: I have lived and fallen.

This traumatization has the following effect: I was wollte Tierärztin zijn.

Dafür brenne ich: Für die Kultur Japanese.

My Idol: British Writer Jonathan Stroud.

Mein wichtigster Wert: Mir ist Zuverlässigkeit sehr wichtig.

Meine größte Schwäche: Unentschlossenheit.

That is why I would never travel to Japan without any problems: If I were to travel through Japan, I would not be able to travel without having to travel to Japan.

Kürzlich has a carefree portrait of “Unterwegs mit” by 31-year-old Max Hoffmann, from the Kasseler Friedhofstaxi-steuert.