
Grüne Jugend: Gespräche mit Union über Migration nicht fortsetzen

Grüne Jugend: Gespräche mit Union über Migration nicht fortsetzen

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Green Youth is demanding, the talks between the Ampel coalition and the Union on the subject of migration are over. “After the unions of the unions had asked the question, this joint effort was dissolved,” said the co-chair of the nachwuchsorganisation, Katharina Stolla, of the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). “The strategy, if you are entitled to more hints, the result after the hints is lost. If you are entitled so quickly, you can no longer read,” he said.

The Union will go further and further as a strategy for Islamism “just asylum” in the Raum yard. The Union must be separate, but they are being fled or Islamist bekämpfen wolle. “Statt sich auf Forderungen, who Geflüchtete an de Grenzen zurückzuweeisen, einzulassen, where the Ampel gut beraten, sich von the Union nicht weiter nach treiben zu lassen,” said Stolla.

The CDU researchers of Friedrich Merz will let the asylum seeker at the Borders and the Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) die, but in the Ampel-Koalitie no word of power is heard. With a service that consults the Federal Government, the Union as the largest opposition organization and the Federal States migration and inner security. Next Tuesday the talks will be set up./bg/DP/men