
Quentin Bisch: know a welcher perfumer sollte man?

Quentin Bisch: know a welcher perfumer sollte man?

Preliminaries and recovery orders

Bisch finds inspiration for your Düfte in all moments and personal experiences. There is a journey going on, most of it falls, least of art and nature inspiration. “My nightly dreams and the little details of everyday life fly into my work”, says Bisch. A creative process often begins with a single remark or a clear concept. A Düft, who has taken over the unintended hat, is Kelly Calèche from Hause Hermès (2007 created by Jean-Claude Ellena, the damned chef perfumer). “I like tragediesen Düft as Eau de Toilette”, reveals Bisch. He is also fascinated by the scent of wood fire: “A lot has ended up in a certain situation, a form of the enterprise and a great creative creation.” The perfumer sees in every perfume an interesting print form: “If I myself would not see a tragedy, I respect the territory in which I serve.” If you know that trends follow you, the own creative identity of your losers is a concrete: “I have a problem with children with a good feeling and a bad problem. Make-up is different.” It is a re-examination, there were a number of commercial activities to buy. “You should not completely re-spin. If you want to do this, a larger group of souls is to lose.” It is possible that the products themselves have put a brand name on the product pages, “the products may possibly have fallen”.