
ESC in Basel 2025 will say another day in Switzerland

ESC in Basel 2025 will say another day in Switzerland


Music competition in BaselMore like Schoggi und Banken: ESC will say Schweiz differently

In seven months the Eurovision Song Contest started in Basel. When the SRG starts and the ticket sales begin, ESC chief Moritz Stadler begins.

Dario Aeberli
  • I think the Eurovision Song Contest is in Basel.

  • In an interview with the «SonntagsZeitung» the ESC chief discusses how the preparations were written.

  • Gratitude is like that, the SRG will watch the Riesen show on the Alltag. “The heisst, we should take care of it, because the ESC brings the SRG not completely to a standstill,” said Stadler.

From 13 to 17 May 2025, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) and the previous laufen took place in Basel. Here is the active state of the thing with ESC chief Moritz Stadler:

Would you like to start selling tickets?

«We are allowed to receive tickets during the Christmas holidays», Stadler explains the «Tages-Anzeiger». It is the greatest separation you can make.

ESC-Superfan Florian Tusi schätzt aus Erfahrung, dass der Verkauf The end of November or Anfang Dezember began – so the war begins in Vorjahren, after 20 Minutes on Anfrage erklärt. Für Tusi wäre es bereits die 23. Edition, which is for Ort next. If the Australian sale yields a big prize, the tickets will cost eleven and 400 Francs. These prices in Basel keep the Stadler covered. “We could never say anything.”

Why does the ESC’s power make the SRG nervous?

The Song Festival interpreted world-wide jewels of 160 million people, who were gilded as one of the largest of the World. The SRG must live with 30 to 40 states and reconcile the wishful heirs. I think of sports when the planning for the German ESC is – and it is nervous for the man at SRG. “After we have acquired the know-how and have received a new generation with the European Broadcast Union, the event is celebrated in the winner’s country,” says Stadler the “Day Announcer” further.

Is there a problem, is Basel a larger SRG location?

It is not that the ESC could not work in an SRG Studio production. The most important thing is that the Riesenshow of the Alltag is shown. “That is what we have to worry about, that the ESC does not bring the SRG completely to a standstill”, said Stadler.

When you feel like you are with a partner of a partner – a company from Switzerland – it is a question of Bühnenbau or of the lighting technology that you can use.

Who will become the Swiss dargestellt?

The Chocolate, the Banks and the Mountains of Switzerland have become possible, while the ESC has inherited the international public, the country has never been so good. The details of Stadler and Co. are still being worked out.

Who did Serafe-Money fall into the ESC?

Experience benefits TV stations in the Australasia region have jewels between seven and 20 million francs. Whoever gave the SRG money, Stadler did not betray. «Provide a responsibility volume with the Serafe budget and with the project. Everything, the SRG was a best infrastructure that can be used, could help. You can sponsor a man in the right way.

Who modernized the ESC 2025?

Die Entscheidung dürfte laut Stadler frühestens Ende 2024 fallen.

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