
22-Jähriger erleidet Säule-3a-Totalverlust: Das sagt ihr dazu

22-Jähriger erleidet Säule-3a-Totalverlust: Das sagt ihr dazu


Eure opinionSeule 3a: «Jeder weiss, dass eine frühe Kündigung veld kostent»

A 22-year anniversary lost its capital in a Säule-3a-Fondsvericherung, among other things, road costs, which were not possible. The community is one, where the Debt will disappear.

Anja Zingg
  • A 22-year-old quickly lost his capital in a Säule-3a fund raised higher Gebühren.

  • The diversification has begun, the fund loss in the Ukraine-Krieg and the Corona pandemic are now complete.

  • The community is being built.

  • Part of the presentation in the justification, other findings, of the 22-year-old had the small print for her lesson.

In the fall of a young Mannes, by a Säule-3a-Fondsversicherung, the capital is quickly lost and the 20-minute lesson program is lost. During the 22-year version of the year, it was a year ago that Guthaben von de eingezahlten 1100 Franken op lediglich 261 Franken geschrumpft was.

If the problem arises in the Versicherung with the new funds in the Ukraine-Krieg and the Auswirkungen von Covid-19 zurückzuführen seien. When the 22nd century begins, the turnover of the Rückerstattungsbetrag could be zero Francs. Dies incurred due to cancellation costs. The reason for this is that the product is designed for a long-lasting holiday. More about autumn is the most original article here. Wir haben für euch die Meinungen der Community zammengefasst.

«Würde nieine 3a-Fondsversicherung abschliessen»

A user warns endringlich for Säule-3a-Fondsversicherungen. So potaufeu writes: «Nie, aber auch niene 3a-Fondsversicherung abschliessen. Total lust is no longer possible. Besser a 3a at the Bank. Seriously, such a big Rendite, but you will be happy with the money 1:1 with your money.” Auch IloVeju has carried out this analysis and concrete: «Eigentlich ganz einfach: 3a-Sparkonto bei der Bank, Risikoversicherung bei der Versicherung. Strictly speaking.”

Other user wie dosen-im-schrank68 messages about their experiences: «I have suffered a loss, I have never had a single life again and after 15 years the single life is between now and then.» User JokerFace has a problem with the News-Scout: «Hatte bei der Liechtenstein Life genau dasselbe Problem. Erhobenen Gebühren stehen in keinem Verhältnis zu der eeningezahlten Summe.»

«These Versicherungen sollten Provisionen offenlegen»

More users will exceed the costs and facilities that can occur if problems occur. Hello@world123 commented: «If all facilities are attacked, you will be given a new one by a consultant or broker. If you get 3a or above from the consultant, you will certainly receive a facility.»

A reader works on a Säule-3a account during insurance. (Symbol image)

A reader works on a Säule-3a account during insurance. (Symbol image)

No more splashing

On Loveday22 a story is written, while it is an unclear description of the answers that are given: «Ich understanding of small thoughts is not focused and fragmentary after. If it is a clear answer, then stand on a verabschiedete mich.»

«It is clear that the display is not free»

Not everyone sees the situation in the 22nd century as dramatic. Shyla69 argues: “In the first years that there is insurance, the sin will be very big, while the first prices cover the costs.”

Also Flo99@ goes to the front and notes: “It is clear that in the early years there were costs and cases that were delayed for so long.” And some criticisms: “I am curious what it is, what it is. We are sure, it costs nothing, in investing, there is no need to dare to make any delayed withdrawals.”

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