
Markstraße Bad Tölz: Bananafishbones and Stadtkapelle spielen groß auf – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

Markstraße Bad Tölz: Bananafishbones and Stadtkapelle spielen groß auf – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

Leader like the Samstagabend passed through the public where they could come, and they are also friendly and happy. “Das ist genau das, worauf es ankommt”, says the guitarist and singer of the Banana Fish Bones, Sebastian Hoorn, beim gemeinsamen Auftritt mit der Tölzer Stadtkapelle den Tausenden Zuhörern in der Marktstraße entgegen.

Whoever vibrated the positive energy of the Isar-anticipating Häuserzeilen, could certainly have a perfect Rahmen. The music player has spent a warm summer in recent years, a moment when he plays. And if so, Schwung and the management of Dynamiek fell, which directly on the 4500 Leute in the Publikum überträgt.

If this Anzahl is the Zuschauermenge rapid genau 18 years, after the Bananafishbones and the Stadtkapelle schon einmal in the Tölzer Marktstraße sister aufgetreten since, dies Mal limited. One of the few Mankos. So two junior men are in full training session at 7:30 PM before the Absperrungen and it was less than half of the Winzerer-Denkmals. The Duo has no more karting, everything is sold. You can remember young people and make the concert work while cooking. “Des is bläd”, both and three things you can do.

Jung and Alt, family and friends play the “Easy Day”

If you want to make money, the bank is in the Winzer-Denkmal if you have a position of power. The „Easy Day“, which takes one of the songs from the Bananafishbones, will be your genius. Everyone who plays music is the fun Publikum – von Jungen en Alten, Paaren und Freundescliquen bis zu Familien mit Kindern – spielend mitsureißen. Währenddessen wird im abgesperrten Bereich zwischen Winzerer-Denkmal and Weinhaus Schwaighofer cared for, gegessen and trunkken.

Himmel-free parties are one of the things Abend does. Genau de white Tölzer Stadtkapelle in the larger Formation von der Bühne aus kontinuierlich zu scaffolden. This opening animates the formation under the long-term conductors Sepp Kronwitter with two medleys of Beatles– and Abba-Songs, songs.

Umjubelter Auftritt der Tölzer Stadtkapelle under the Leitung von Josef Kronwitter. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)

Such tropical-brasilian rhythms than a single Florian Rein a Vorgeschmack on the spätere Highlight des Abends. The Schlagzeuger of Bananafishbones is formed with Pfeife and Handrassel by the Taktgruppe der Blasmusikformatie. Zehn Jahre was himself in the city chapel played, and all he learned, was his instrument playing and music machines, which were there.

Partystimmung unter free Himmel, depending on the city chapel. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)
Josef Kronwitter leads the Tölzer Stadtkapelle. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)

Who has alternative rock and country of Bananafishbones and brass music together with other people? Davon später more. You can first buy the Bananafishbones from 20.50 per hour. For the best trio of Florian Rein, Sebastian and Peter Horn it is natural a Heimspiel. The band originates from Bad Tölz, in 1987 in the Evangelischen Gemeindehaus in the first Auftritt. With the singles “Come to Sin” and “Easy Day” the Bananafishbones appear at the end of the 1990s Charterfolge. The songs play the band of course that way, but the audience is increasingly excited by punkish elements that are electric. It is a fact that Peter Horn sings Jimmy Corrigan.

Heimspiel for the Bananafishbones in Bad Tölz. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)
Florian Rein, Sebastian and Peter Horn played in the 1990s-Jahren Charterfolge. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)

When the Blasmusiker der Stadtkapelle – under the Landrat Sepp Niedermaier – zum Finale with the Trio of the Bananafishbones gemeinsam on the stage is so easy, as you quickly have a passionate passion. Satt symphonic sound over the Markstraße and works as a real emotional multiplier for the songs of Bananafishbones. At ‘lepra’, when we zweien and a little played, it is a fact that we live in the Zehenspitzen in the Balkan-Polka-Crescendo.

That is the part of being part of four people and at the end of the day, “what it feels like to be part of the crowd”. Zwischendrin would like to have Sebastian Horn, but he will play more slowly, because of the shared environment, but it will not be so fast. There is no mention of a concert on Markstraße, fragment there. Gerne mehr davon.

The height of the Abends: the gemeinsame Auftritt. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)
Am Ende sollten auch vier Zugaben den Hunger nach meer nichten. (Photo: Harry Wolfsbauer)