
Paper fish comes in the mail: Leibspeise since Bücher and Tapeten

Paper fish comes in the mail: Leibspeise since Bücher and Tapeten

If you see the silver material, it is not so harmful: paper fibers are woven into the German house, without paper and tape – and can become their mental burden. Guilt could solve a problem with our consumption.

When entering a new book from the 2010s, there is an information sheet of the main administration. It is a question of the processing of paperfish. Paper… Was? The level is as big as silver, it exists vermutlich and lasts more than 350 million years. In Germany it is a new phenomenon.

“We know that we are intensifying with paperfish”, says Bärbel Holl, damselfly and chair of the association for the promotion of ecological damselfly. In the 1990s, the fish were widespread in Scandinavia, in Germany they have been on the rise for 20 years – damselflies have never been in the dark.

“The Psyche of Men Leads”

The invasive art is vermutlich in southwest and South Africa in the goods traffic to Europe dependent. As early as 1905 the Bavarian insect expert Karl Escherich grew in an action about fish-insects on shadows and books and collections hin. Paper fish can be performed for eight years and performed for 300 days. If you let go, you see that it is an interesting material of: books, tapestry, lampshades, documents or pictures on the wall without it being anything.

Emotional matters are a material and historical subject in history: “Zudem machen sich in manchen Häusern neue Arten wie die sogenannten Papierfischchen breit”, this is one of the 2018 editions of the Museum Bundes of a Symposium for Schädlingsbekämpfung. Manche Häuser, which has the Germanische Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, responds to the factory during the Schädlinge with the new Bau depots. You can visit the museum during the night, enjoy the wonderful world.

For good health during your fishing holiday. If private people are in the leadensdruck dennoch groß, Bärbel Holl says: “Die Psyche der Menschen ledet. Die Tiere sitzen im Bett, in den Baby-Sachen, in der Kaffeemaschine.” Many woollens can no longer be a problem or the friendship of children who do not stay overnight.

No questions about hygiene

Most of the victims will come across as if they are not good or wrong. “You inform on the Internet and give information about the work of the Hausmittel.” A house treatise or nachbarn would make the person so much easier now. “Many think, they are their own guilt”, says Bärbel Holl. If you notice that the paper is not clean, there is no hygiene.

An Ursache voor de Verbreitung der Schädlinge is our Konsumverhalten. Paper fibers are mitered in the Zwischenräumen der Wellpappe of Versandkartons and thus in the Haushalt dependent. Während in Deutschland in Year 2019 nor 3.65 Billion Packages were delivered, were included in the Pandemic 2021 fast a Milliarde more. Years later I lost the Zahl for beef to 4.18 billion.

No matter how strong the level is, it is not possible. Konkrete Zahlen lie for Deutschland nicht voor, erfollowt no Zentrale Erfassung bekannter Fall. In the Netherlands, an Affected Person can report a Befall an ds Kompetenzzentrum für Schädlinge und Wildtiere. We are willing to act freely, lying that Zahlen unter de tatsächlichen Fallen, een deutliche Tendenz lässt sich dennoch recognise: Lag die Zahl der Beobachtungen 2019 bei 229, were es im Jahr 2023 schon 1.564.

“Die verschwinden nicht von allein”

Make sure that the paper ends up in the house before the human being sees a little. “The bulk of the animals is being overloaded with building materials”, says Bärbel Holl. When the schädlings are analyzed, there are parallels with the independent detection – and their increase in the new construction landed. “The changed building with plasterboard walls can become a wonderful living space for the paper fish with its hollow spaces.” Let one of the intestines become isolated, in the sense that the schädlinge exceeds the woehlfühlten.

Here you will find help

There are many black sheep under Schädlingsbekämpfern. On the pages of the Vereins van de financieren van de Schädlingsbekämpfung or the German Schädlingsbekämpfer verbs, affected experts in the field of the following findings can be assessed.

A professional spraying control officer leads to no further action at a given event. “The faster the man reacts, the better”, said the expert. It is possible that the theme itself is displayed if the factory is not informed. “Many actions are possible with insect spraying, the way this is done is nothing more than another problem.” When you are in a Fraßgele or Raumluftbelastung, it is told in all ritzen and fugen and doors, swollen and visions and nonsense books.

Paperfish products are not caused by all winds by Bärbel Holl. The soul of the beating is, the stock that is reduced, was quickly submerged. The affected always ask themselves: “We got it, everything is fine.”