
Mann in Oerlinghausen with Hammer angegriffen

Mann in Oerlinghausen with Hammer angegriffen

A message about the police in Detmold is at 22:45 angry and by a man-message, that an anger with a hammer will become. Der Mann is self-proclaimed as the Angreifer.

You will receive information about the police in the Vorfall. Strict officers of the police will ensure that they are safe and secure for alcoholics in the 27-year period, German residents from Oerlinghausen are responsible for their continued safety.

The 39-year-old opera from Oerlinghausen would have first provided and further treatment in a Krankenhaus have brought about. There are many head injuries, it is resistant to no Lebensgefahr. The basis of the concrete of the standard can be one of the following options.

One of the Polizeipräsidium Bielefeld eingericht Mordkommission, die sich aus Beamten der Polizei Bielefeld und der Polizei Detmold zuammensetzte, hat die Ermittlungen übernommen. Der Festgenommene Wurde Am Sonntag, 08.09.2024, een Haftrichterin Vorgeführt, die untersuchungschachtbefehl weighs drownen Mordes erließ.