
Werder-Bremen-Fan has been working on the Weltreise with the Fahrrad for three years

When the SV Werder Bremen in the young vergangenheit in the Bundesliga has war, a fan has a kilometer long display, the playing time is a crazy stream that is played. For more speed There is a road to the Schotterstraßen, a mountain that goes through the devastating landscapes – and black with the Fahrrad. The speech is by Daniel Großhans. The 27-years are three years further in the world and continue with the stretch with the Fahrrad back.

Daniel Großhans is often looking for a warm-up shirt from the green world, hunderttausende people look on social media. During the summer of 2021 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can be informative most of the time and (short-)clips in the net live, a job as a medieval statue and a tone at the Bavarian Radio (BR) that lasts a long time, is with the video – Travel book inzwischen selbständig. “I sat at BR from tomorrow to evening in the form of a computer, but wanted to do much more, experience and move on.” And it all happened so quickly. The French Alps and Italy continue to Spain and Portugal in the winter. Then there is talk of Ireland, Scotland and England, but it is a big step into the financial world, a further journey to financing.

In winter, this setzte is a climatically charged fortress of Osteuropa. “I have lived through the Alps and mountains in the Balkans and lived in my own country,” Gelassen says. Sein Zelt, the puny Ausrust for extreme beds and the most commonly used video equipment are worth it. The weight of the weight is 30 kilos, due to the filling. “It is always a success, every man wants to drink.”

If most people come, the guest friends will die

Daniel Großhans

Habitation is one of the stichwort for the Stage about the Turks, Georgia and Armenia in Iran. “The war of the first chapter, wee es krass anders war als alles, was so gesehen hadte. The Iran is the first right culture.” The negative point is that it is probably: “I think it is a good choice and the war would last longer.” Insgesamt fünf Monate.

The Werder-Fan is now also in the Ländern, we are also concerned about the European level and the well-being of many people. Laut Großhans is no longer needed. Positive heritage has the power to benefit all people: “Your ostrich man comes, the more guest-friendly those people become,” it paints. Most entries are more options. “The people who appeal for a reconciliation, all Hebels, damn it, it could happen in Essen for these machines. If you are hungry, a feeling of hunger will arise.” In notsituationen, beißen Temperatureen in der Wüste ebenfalls nicht: “Späketens das drott Auto hält an. Those people lived 50 kilometers in the last city and were able to live there.”

The beginning of the development of nature is based on the extensive Erlebnissen-blesser Weltreise. It is a large part of the population that is affected by other people who live in the western world: on the Taliban. The power of the power is the radical Islamic military power in Afghanistan. A Checkpoints kam der Reisende zwangsweise with Anhängern der Terrorgruppe in Kontakt. „The war is unfounded. For everything, we were fond of a man who was not white, was passion. The war is suspended and has a great fear.“ There is an information and information provision that it is „relativistic“.

Starting with the Taliban

Gefährliche situations that make a journey with blessing possible. In Iran, part of the bus has to jump. “The war that took place in the street fell under the Kriminalität, which Drogen would last longer. Jeder hat mir abgeraten, da Fahrrad zu fahren.“ Another story is that there are other things of Jugendlichen met Steinen. “I’m already in shock with a shock,” says Großhans.

The Taliban were not happy today. With a Talib hat, Daniel Großhans went to Afghanistan for a Tee. “I would rather accept that people are unprepared. When people think that it is so much fun that there is a disinterested tee break, then there is a problem you may have. Schließlich ihm sehr wohl bewusst, wie veele Menschen, voor allem Frauen, under der Taliban-Regierung Leiden. It becomes clear: “I am not responsible for any political issues that arise, but I will personally see who is in front of me. I am not an Investigative Journalist, without a traveler, since I see it authentically and ehrlich said.”

A big problem is the problem. “That’s for deep phases”, it says. The environment of the barrier area is with most new enterprises no longer able to understand, other travel advice is only for the sake of freedom, all are. Family and friends are now watching FaceTime. “That’s the price for freedom”, said Grosshans. The best thing is that you get a uniqueness that still exists: your bicycle. “I think I’ll put the bicycles, the outside flow and the little inner circles on the bike.”

Two Leidenschaften with different connections

Zuletzt war die Stadt Almaty in Kasakhstan Terminal station in Zentralasien. Now things have moved on for Daniel Großhans in Europe. The end signal travel is not in sight:“I’ll be able to do it as long as I have money and I’m healthy,” said Grosshans. “This trip is perfect for me, because I can combine my two passions: cycling and film and photography.”

A Sache has made a world trip in the Blick: at SV Werder Bremen. Seeing the Kindness is the Greatest Fan – it was said in Munich: “Bayern Munich was in our own family forever,” he said with a grin. “We were a family of 1860.” Since the Löwen damals (wie heute) aber nicht in der 1. Liga kickten, schaute sich Großhans weiter um: “I had more Lieblingspieler von Werder, my Lieblingsfarbe was always green, I might like the attacking Play with the sympathizers of Trainer Thomas Schaaf.”

Now that the erfolgreichen time and the Weser are taking longer, the bigger Werder-Fan is bigger than ever. While the internet is in a remote place, it can take a long time before the game is played in the stream. “Then you get the Live-Ticker or Live-Reaction-Videos on Youtube. That is always better than nothing.”

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