
Wahlen in Saxony and Thuringia: Jenseits jeglicher Realität

Wahlen in Saxony and Thuringia: Jenseits jeglicher Realität

The AfD is impressed in the region with the few refugees. As soon as the problem arises in the weapon of the right-wing extremists.

AfD chief Höcke in Thuringia with ausgestrecktem Zeigefinger

We look at the values ​​of the Road and the Power of Railways: Björn Höcke nach der Landtagswahl in Thuringia Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

The AfD has a central theme: the ‘illegal migration’, which results in a ‘mass wandering in our social system’. Man must also annehmen, if the AfD lives most of the time, most Zuwanderer will live. But is another thing. The AfD has always been in the faith of the Landkreis, but the Deutschen are a bad thing. The young Wahl in Thuringia is a schönes Beispiel: I “Kyffhäuserkreis I” get the AfD at 46.5 percent.

Aber Ausländer gives a quick price – only 5.6 Prozent. Looking at the Saale-Orla-Kreis, the AfDs are down 44.6 and 47.4 percent. Auch dort leben nur 5.6 Prozent Ausländer. You will find the AfD in the Wahlkreisen “Jena I” and “Jena II” now with 16.4 and 19.3 Prozent – ​​​​obwohl dort prozentual more as doppelt so velde Ausländer whnen wie in Kyffhäuser of an der Saale. “Illegal migration” should happen in the future, the man wandering around has a problem.

The AfD has ended up in a Phantom and it is not Trost. If this takeover of the real power of the AfD is unacceptable, the facts will disappear a little. Also that was in the night of faith good to be observed – etwa beim Thema Wirtschaft. The companies warn against the AfD, we will wander around as working forces are required. If the ARD is then a fragment of the AfD lead candidate in Saxony, Jörg Urban, true to form, has seen the Wirtschaftsverbände “state financing”.

Unterton: That’s where the “old parties” stick. The basic principle is simple: The AfD is increasingly possible. If reality is no longer one’s own, then the manipulation of the economy can be manipulated, an AfD that has suffered damage. It is paranoid, functions best with Wählern. Is it possible that these Wähler, the shine, a permanent Selbsttäuschung can lead? It is very bad: it is all so young that reality never wanted to know.

Far too few skilled workers

In Thuringia, 38 Prozent der 18- to 24-Jährigen are de AfD, and a very large Ergebnisse were gezählt in all Kohorten bis 59-Jährigen. Nur de Rentner is a German skeptic. In the 70th century the AfD was at 19 Prozent. The AfD also has Zukunft. Therefore, if the Frage were to pass by in Thuringia or Saxony, the racist program would become a success. Can both states make a new trip?

The AfD imagines that it will first mobilize a “domestic personal source”. It may be that no money is lost. In August it was 68,843 in Thuringia, that was a quote of 6.2 percent. Behind it come 87,079 “subordinates”, also people who have a job, but would like to work more. If you appeal to an undisputed company, the personal contact cannot be stopped.

Who has done a study, in 2035 up to 250,000 skilled workers in Thuringia will fail, but up to 385,000 working people will be paid in rent. It may be harmful, that in seven years “only” 250,000 skilled workers will fail. However, in Thuringia in the year 2035 no more than 1.9 million people will be paid in rent, when a third is paid in rent. On the labor market, 20 offers of all vacancies are also offered. It cannot function.

This demographic Krise hat in Thuringia has already started a long time ago, no matter how it went with the Ausbildungsplätzen-zeigt: Im August still goes 3,782 dollars to Lehrstellen, na 1,083 Jugendliche, die bis dahin keinen Platz gefunden hatten. Since 2016, the German social security contributions in Thuringia with a value of 43,000 have been canceled – nurch Ausländer compensiert were konnte. The EU state has been charged 20,000, while the Dritt state is 23,000.

AfD wanted to carry out the Thuringia flight

This is insulting: Thuringia must be grateful to every refugee. The power of the AfD is another power in itself. If you suggest in the Wählern that it is now about job losses, while American jobs are being thrown away. It may be a logical story, it is a fact that the Kyffhäuser said. Dort lies the Arbeitslosigkeit überdurchschnittlich hoch – namely at 8.2 percent.

National expenditure is no longer possible; who expects is only 5.6 percent. Keep in mind that there is a payout of 12.6 percent, but assures a work loss of only 6 percent. There is another story, while the AfD has behaved: if Jobs still finds something, it becomes an Ausländer. If you look of course at the Zuwanderer in the city, where you can earn money. Voluntarily nobody in the Kyffhäuser, one of the things you can do.

When those Tatsachen left the AfD, nothing happened. If you have your own, in fact free world and remain untouched, you can help migrants. The result is a paradox: Nicht nur Einwanderer werden Thuringian girls or verlassen – under the German. If people after the Krankenhäuser collaborators de Arbeitskräfte, Thuringians were seen in the future, where the infrastructure is better.

The old ones were also not to remain in Thuringia. In any case, it is a good thing – and that is often childish in the West. You can also see behind it. It is not a long journey, but a long passion. The AfD will die “Wende vollenden”. It was still like that: The AfD had to endure, where Thuringia was a learning country, where Thuringian became in the West.