
Google Maps shows the real Ghost Town in Ukraine

Google Maps shows the real Ghost Town in Ukraine

“Call of Duty” game with this game Or you can best view it this way: Google Maps makes the Russian city of Pripyat in Ukraine work.

With Google Maps you can find another moment where you can make a mistake to start. So if you experience a gruesome village in Japan, you can investigate a vermeintliche UFO-background in the USA or the Ukrainian ghost town Prypjat. Note that you can play all the „Call of Duty“ games.

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Pripyat is a legendary “CoD” mission on the Schauplatz

Google Maps uses one of the most common activities in Pripyat: Gräser and Sträucher überwuchern die Geisterstadt, which is a post-apocalyptic atmosphere vermittelt. The city picture is an example of a number of Blockbauten, a giant wheel and retractable vehicles. No wonder that the developer of „Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare“ has found one of the legendary Mission Powers on the Schauplatz.

Here is the natural version of “All Ghilled Up” with “Gut Getarnt” shown again: The Stealth and Sniper Mission game is played as Flashback after Prypjat in the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl. If you look at the mission of the mission of “Call of Duty”.

Google Maps allows you to explore your personal information.Google Maps allows you to explore your personal information.
Google Maps allows you to explore your personal information. (© Google Maps)

Who lived there in Geisterstadt

Prypjat wurde 1970 in Zusammenhang with the Bau des Kernkraftwerks Chernobyl gegründet. Die infamous nuclear disaster von Tschernobyl appeared in 1986 for the Räumung der Stadt. Until the catastrophe, 50,000 people quickly lived in Pripyat. The nuclear power plant is at war with the largest construction activities for the city investment.

It is an incredible tourist attraction, which attracts many hundreds of people. During the alleged HBO miniseries “Chernobyl”, which took place in 2019, tourism began to appear on a record year. The war in Russia and Ukraine lasted until the end of the war.

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