
Climate and Altern: Whoever reduces risks to humans

Climate and Altern: Whoever reduces risks to humans

© Steve Buissinne on pixabay
© Steve Buissinne on pixabay

The next developments in the field of climate change and environmental change concern man who has reached his vulnerability in the lower mass,

A dramatic Weise dies in an extreme Hitzeereignisse in 2021 in Kanadischen British Columbia: Dort war die door de schnittliche Zahl der taglichen Zugänge in Notaufnahmen wegzebedingter Erkrankungen 69 The more if I will look in the Zeitraum two years – much more provided must have been Persons über 75 Yes here. Auch in Deutschland is a solution for the thinking and expertise of geriatricians and geriatricians is fragmented.

In the hope that this is not the case, Theme Professor Jürgen M. Bauer, Director-General of the Geriatric Centers at the University of Heidelberg, Director of the Network Alternatives of the University of Heidelberg, with his keynote “Climate and Alternative” for gerontology and the geriatric congress in September in Kassel. Is it possible that there are some fragments to new scientific recognitions: What are the specific risks for the whole human being and who reduces the human being this – for example in the context of pharmaceutical therapy? Who is concerned with health care and the concept of Healthy Ageing programs? How do you ensure that the protective protection offers another protection in the longer term?

In the Keynote by Jürgen M. Bauer on het Kongress-Teilnehmer voor verschiede herausforderungen in het Context van climawandeling und der Umweltverschmutzung sensibilisieren. One of the higher expectations is that Szenario bases on the Annahme, the Anzahl of Hitzee episodes will not be as intense and intense. „Thank you that man spends a tropical tropical night, when there is no additional Abkühlung-stattfindet. Before you leave the house, it is possible that the house will be taken care of in the future, and continue here. Knowledgeable foundations for the management of care and well-being so that they can be communicated correctly,” explains the expert. Darüber is with regional extreme high temperatures at 40 degrees Celsius, such as “Heat Domes”, which are right. These can easily be carried out by an overload of the Notaufnahme-Structuren. Here a passage of the catastrophe protection was a very erorderlich.

Environmental temperature and Medikation im Blick haben

Preventive measures, in order to achieve this with these re-evaluations, can be used and many different positions. If you are in the concrete of the treatment mechanism of the disease-recovering lung, there is technical information about the empfohlene air treatment, a comprehensive hydration that is applied to the medical therapy. Treatment and antihypertensive drugs can be prescribed by the transdermal system while the medication becomes a dosage passage.

Umweltfreundliche Ernährung muss altersrecht sein

You can use the best climate and environmental protection materials to improve your personal livelihood. With the gold-plated design for the so-called ‘Planetary Health Diet’, the EAT-Lancet Commission has come up with the hat, the health care of man and the planets that resemble their schützen. Workers can use a forward phase of the production of a product, whereby a little bit of a Fleisch- and Milchproduct can be inhaled. More research has been done on the prince of Professor Jürgen M. Bauer, who will continue the whole of humanity in the Blick. „I think that this Soul Group has made a risk for a sub-organization with the best Nährstoffen-extensive world over the previous years. When taking the empfehlung, the amount of calcium, vitamin B12 and the high protein intake is reduced. That is so, I could say more here about the fact that patients and patients can no longer work and that these Empfehlung modifications will take place”, so Bauer.

Einbindung geriatric expertise in action plans

If the national population is having such a hard time, geriatricians and geriatricians are in the unified protection protection – for example, in the development of local heat action plans. “In larger cities, the various urban districts are usually no longer affected by heat, but are affected by low dust and ozone pollution. In any case, people can earn an uninterested income in practice and in the hospital with their uninterested Szenarien confrontiert sein”, Bauer explains. Because the use of the old man is promoted by a high low dust pollution, it is so that the risks for cardiovascular diseases are also for one of the best functions of Abbau. A company with such major challenges will earn a large part of its money, a communal progress and an extensive political will-building-necessity – and heavily substantiated by geriatric expertise.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /