
Souveräner Schweizer Cup Auftakt der Red Boots against Niederlenz

Souveräner Schweizer Cup Auftakt der Red Boots against Niederlenz

Swiss Cup

Schützenfest – Souveräner Auftakt der Red Boots in Schweizer Cup auswärts against Zweitligist FC Niederlenz

At the spice temperature course of the Red Boots in the first round of the Swiss Cups at the women of FC Niederlenz. These start with the beginning of the day, but in the second half of the games the Super-Lististen from Aarau must be beaten. So see the Red Boots after a 13:0 match in the second Cup round, what the Niederlenzerinnen in the Mittwoch in the Aargauer Cup.

To the Swiss Cups of the women who play the Red Boots on the Spielerinnen of the Zweiten Liga from Niederlenz. If the smile remains on both teams, the rain can express itself in the first place. The guests start with a high playing tempo. First Abschluss but went after a handsome two minutes on the account of the home team. The Niederlenzerinnen can behave in a different way and get the Stürmerinnen on Aarau days. Ballbesitz is quickly removed from the red boots.

In the minute that the first flight of the Aarauerinnen by Anida Mujela was, Michèle Estermann could start with a first spinning parade on a remarkable machine. Asgeirsdóttir and Mujela beschosse in the coming minutes further in Estermanns Gate, but the Niederlenzerin kept the Null for her team. When it is hot for the devices with the technical support, then mujela in the Altfelder Rasen. The defenders of FC Niederlenz are setting themselves the Aarauerinnen awake.

Leonita Bardhi (right, FCN) in action against Bergros Asgeirsdottir (left or right, FCA). Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Leonita Bardhi (right, FCN) in action against Bergros Asgeirsdottir (left or right, FCA).
Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Alexander Wagner / PHOTO Wagner

Leadership success by Friedli

In the 22nd minute, the Niederlenzerinnen are in front of a small part of the road and an insecurity of Estermann netted Alina Friedli on the ball to get her deserved reward. Only three minutes later Klingenstein on the Tor von Estermann could but withdraw. The after-kick of Mujela is practically not stopped and thus remains 0:2 for the Red Boots after 25 minutes.

It is not that the Heimmannschaft has a chance to be known. There are situations in which the Tor of Enna Doulis can help the Niederlenzerinnen-kreieren. But after all, the ball is more in the Füssen of the Aarauerinnen. So war is schwirig for Niederlenz, an own plaything of figures or of the next of the Aarauer Strafraums that you need. A schneller of Red Boots is right of the owner of Torhüterin, that is a good Leistung-saying hat.

Shortly before the Halbzeitpause führte a mistake and Pascale Küffer with playing cards and a Freistoss for Niederlenz. If Laura Migliazza makes a strong impression, and. Die Abschluss for the Heimmannschaft has Doulis certainly and clearly made, or it is Verlass. Let the Pausenpfiff play and the Spielerinnen play themselves in the Kabinet.

Laura Migliazza (left, FCN) is Anida Mujela (right, FCA) in the Kampf op de Ball. Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Laura Migliazza (left, FCN) is Anida Mujela (right, FCA) in the Kampf at the Ball.
Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Alexander Wagner / PHOTO Wagner

Back then both teams changed. Manca went out for Bangerter, Steck came for Hofer and Ásgeirsdóttir against Flückiger. The game is fun if you like it. After a Schuss von Bangerter on Estermann Klingenstein doubles up again – and so it is 0:4 for the Gast three minutes after the Wiederanpfiff. Klingenstein’s Torhong war is not yet satisfied, but another conclusion is that the Niederlenzer Torwartin cannot survive in the Latte lenken. The unterklassige team said that Einsatz and Mut.

Clouds sucked for FC Niederlenz

The rain will last a while now, and there will be a remarkable chill. New strength dissolves her, and so Niederlenz both players Schmid and Tovagliaro exchange for a game. The games continue through the high temperatures. A weitschuss von Viola Avduli suddenly zappelte in Netz, and the Aarauerinnen are high in the air at 0:5. Coach Alessandro Stahel reacted and brought with Nicole Streuli a new representation of the Mannschaft into the game.

Niederlenz-Trainer Alessandro Stahel gave Anweisungen and Jindra Ullrich. Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Niederlenz-Trainer Alessandro Stahel gave Anweisungen and Jindra Ullrich.
Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Alexander Wagner / PHOTO Wagner

This is half of everything, in the 71. Minutes play for the Red Boots in a few hours time until then. A minute long Donika Deda lasts, while she plays in the game, on 40 meters with a spinning Schuss nach – 0:7, Traumtor. Solche Tore is a choice, but then he can be one of the best Gegners. And so it came, that Flückiger in the 76. Minute from 30 Meters escape falls into the List of the highest Torschützen eintrug.

The red boots with Torhonger

While the heavy rains and the players of the game participated in the game for 80 minutes, they were ready. But the Red Boots have not had any luck yet. In a few minutes we can use more tore for the aarauerinnen. These are through Avduli, Tauriello, Mujela and Steck. Note: it is a double game, while Mujela is safe in the first Cup round of Hattrick. So come on, that after 90 minutes 0:13 for the guests from Aarau stand. The worst area is higher, if the game distribution vermuten lies. The Niederlenzerinnen look at another game with good action. I think that both teams are not in the highest situation of the tempo, but on the Red Boots field.

The final score is nevertheless clearly in favour of the Red Boots. Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

The final score is nevertheless clearly in favour of the Red Boots.
Copyright by: PHOTO Wagner / Alexander Wagner

Alexander Wagner / PHOTO Wagner

Both teams play more cup games

From FC Niederlenz there is another game that is played in the Mittwoch, then it is longer with the Aargauer Cup. Währenddessen see that the Aarauerinnen earn in the second Runde des Schweizer Cups ein. Der Gegner wird am Dienstag ausgelost. On Samstag at 4 p.m. the Red Boots from Wankdorf will meet YB Frauen at the BSC. Man thinks it is possible to play the high Sieg zum Auftakt in the Schweizer Cup Rückenwind.


Lower Aarau 0:13 (0:3)

Altfeld Stadium, Niederlenz. – Tore: 22. Friedli 0:1, 25. Mujela 0:2, 33. Eigentor 0:3, 48. Klingenstein 0:4, 67. Avduli 0:5, 71. Mujela 0:6, 72. Deda 0: 7, 76. Flückiger 0:8, 78. Avduli 0:9, 83. Tauriello 0:10, 84. Steck 0:11, 86. Steck, 0:12, 87. Mujela 0:13

Dutch: Estermann; Pircher, Migliazza, Stahel, Dössegger, San, Eisenegger (60. Tovagliaro), Bradhi, Aladag (60. Schmid), Ulrich (62. Streuli), Küffer.

Aarau: Doulis; Ásgeirsdóttir (45. Flückiger), Hofer (45. Steck), Cortello, Avduli, Hoti, Reinschmidt (60. Deda), Manca (45. Bangerter), Mujela, Klingenstein (60. Tauriello), Friedli