
25 Skater shows her tricks

25 Skater shows her tricks

Optimal conditions can be provided by the Teilnehmer vor. It is a laugh that fills the air and the liquid that all parts of the earth are kräftig. Kilian Gruber and Nico Walz ensured that moderators for the dry cleaning and kitzelten fell out of the Fahrern in Skatepark Höchstleistungen. »We thank the city of Traunstein for the continued development of the Parks and our friends for the first freestyle Hip/Pyramid«, so Vorsitzender Maximilian Eibl vom the Verein Skateboarding Traunstein at the Begrüßung.

In the Jugendwertung U18 it is about Burschen, a number of tricks on the Brettern to present. Andreas Brandl was in Ende for Sebastian Frühwirth and Alexander Wolf through the sets. Viola Maljoku war as one of the starters and how it is abolished, in the rerenwertung until the final of his bowls. »That was an absolute strong life«, Maximilian Eibl said.

For the men, the Wertungsrichter Markus Merkel, Jakob Auer, Martin Georg and Christoph Jell often have to go a step further, a dish that punktevergabe zu verziel. There are some erroneous tricks that can be performed on the schwierigkeitsgrad and the Abwechslungsreichtum of the gesamten Fahrt with the Bewertung ein. In two minutes, the duration of the journey lasts 22 hours on the course.

In the meantime, things get more exciting. And Vorjahressieger Maximilian Eibl went as a strahlender Sieger hervor. A match could take place between Nico Walz from Traunstein and Michael Kellner from Waging for his individual matches. There is a big round of applause for the Veranstalter Sachpreise im Wert von 2500 Euro and Geldpreise in Höhe von 1000 Euro and the German sales.

Chairman Maximilian Eibl and his two board members Christoph Jell and Pankraz Auer would like to thank all the members, supporters and sponsors who provide for the many fans who have provided for a great atmosphere on the skate platform. You can find a food truck with a pizza or a tattoo style. “I would also like to thank our 25 helpers in particular”, said the club manager. Christoph Jell gave the organization a big round of applause and a big thank you to the club members.

The competition will take place with an aftershow party in »Café & Kater« on the Stadtplatz. The best »Stüberl-Music« should take place during the night of the gelungen Skatecontest 2024. hob