
The new Hypi-Lenzburg CEO Silvan Hilfiker in the interview

The new Hypi-Lenzburg CEO Silvan Hilfiker in the interview

The new CEO after the great Wachstum der Hypi: “We should be happy, our foundation will stabilize”

Thanks to its large investments in the digital economy, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg is a small regional bank with national bonds. In June, FDP parliamentary group leader Silvan Hilfiker lost Marianne Wildi after 14 years as CEO ab. If their money is in the money, that is no longer the case.

A four-year anniversary of Marianne Wildi at Hypothekarbank Lenzburg. Juni is the new chef of the bank Silvan Hilfiker, which has been investing in Fintech for the last ten years of its existence and is positioning itself as the digital bank of Switzerland.