
A battery for the entire Freundeskreis ›

A battery for the entire Freundeskreis ›

The technology group has installed the new SOLIX C300 and will launch the power plant on September 26. The SOLIX C300, which will appear on, can receive messages from August, which are used by Anker as a compact solution for mobile energy supply, to market everything, on vacation or at festivals.

Solix C 300 Square

The device has a capacity of 90,000 mAh and a maximum capacity of 300 Watt. Laut Anchor soll the battery are more options and an integrated solar connector offer.

Sieben Anschlüsse, knapp three Kilo

The Powerstation has a USB-C port, two USB-A ports for a 12-volt connection. If you can no longer use the USB-C port, you can use a Leistung with a power of 140 watts when switching the ports. If you have more loaded more connected MacBooks, that might be the case. For the energy supply on the free market, a solar energy storage is possible, this is flanked by a 12-volt plug location and a USB-C charging option with power supply.

The device weighs 2.8 kilograms and is a great conveyor belt and a grip that transports a load. The dimensions of 124 × 120 × 200 mm have a main function as an energy source for the goose frenzy trip next to the SOLIX C300 and an integrated aeration.

Anchor C300 power plant

The SOLIX C300 is charged itself with a current of 80 minutes, arrived in 60 minutes on netzteil. When using the solar energy, the charge is required on a 2.5-meter.

Anker focuses on a higher level of components. While a special cooling and a fortschrittliche Schaltkreise were possible, the Underneath the Lifespan of the internal components were increased to 50,000 hours. The device is equipped with a system with a temperature control that you can use to lower the temperature, a temperature control that you can use.

The Anker SOLIX C300 was ordered on September 26, anwender, who is in the Warteliste des Unternehmens eintragen, get the Trageriemen free of charge from Buy the SOLIX C300.