
USA: Growing People in California Flying for Waldbrand

USA: Growing People in California Flying for Waldbrand

In California As a person flees a rapidly growing flat fire will be forced on. The flames will be uncontrollable on a flat of 80 square kilometers, as Calfire, the protection advocacy of the American and federal states.

Nach Behördenangaben bedrohen die Flammen mehr als 35,000 Gebäude, darunter Wohnhäuser und Geschäfte. During our stay, California Governor Gavin Newsom took the stand for the affected region. Dies ermöglicht, Geld en Hilfsmittel quicker prepared.

How is that Los Angeles Times messages, where the flugbetrieb am living parts were deposited. Straßen were restricted, Schools in the Region remain minded at the Montag geschlossen. Calfire reported three losses, but there were more problems with it. The American Medien acts as a Feuerwehrleute.

Brandursache unravels

Since the outcome was resolved, it is not possible. War is being waged in the Donnerstag in San Bernardino County, northeast of Los Angeles, ausgebrochen. After the inauguration of the Hunderte Feuerwehrleute and round 1,800 Hilfskräfte im Einsatz. Der Brand was born in Boden from the Luft-bekämpft.

In the past days great heat resounded in the region. In Northern California it is about the Weekly that experiences a greater hostility, and in other parts of the Western American Federal State the time is over. Weather reports say about the coming hours a small courtesy on Schauer voaus. Fears of the global climate crisis warn experts and experts in the long term, that the artificial consequences are getting higher and lower.

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