
National Krebspräventionswoche 2024: ADFC forders sic…

National Krebspräventionswoche 2024: ADFC forders sic…

(Berlin) – He started the National Krebspräventionswoche 2024. The ADFC bicycle club started the diesjährige campaign of the German Krebsgesellschaft, the German Krebsforschungszentrum and the German Krebshilfe. Under the motto “Willst Du mit mir Radfahren?” The power of the world’s largest bicycle club is noticeable, it is an active lifestyle that promotes prosperity and increases creditworthiness. Collaboration with medical business administration is an important step forward in solving problems and securing the roads.

ADFC Federal Executive Director Caroline Lodemann said: “The art that has a shape of the street is a passive lifestyle. Most of the place is for motorized traffic. One of the fast car traffic would take the person by cycling and driving. Want to If you motivate some of the lenders, you can use the steering wheel and your own energy without it being with the person only if you have an active power we have everywhere in Germany loading cycle paths in passing networks and attractive roads for driving. A healthier society also depends on the shape of the cities!”

A risk assessment can be carried out

Being active – also taking part in school, university or work life – can remove the individual risk. Part of the risks for a few large loans with business loans and intestinal loans can be shortened by between 20 and 30 percent. Also for other tumors, with Krebs of the Blase, the Kidneys, the Magens and the Speiseröhre, it is Hinweise, the Movement of the Erkrankungsrisiko-verringern kann. Darauf weisen de Initiators der Nationale Krebspräventionswoche hin.

ADFC unterstützt Nationale Krebspräventionswoche 2024

The National Krebspräventionswoche is a joint initiative of the Deutschen Krebshilfe, the Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums and the Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft. I think I will remain in those years of the life-still factor movement, of the credit contagion. The Fahrradclub ADFC has put the Social Media Campaign on its channel with the hashtag #MitMirGehen. Wer zum Radfahren a net Begleitung and interesting Touren sucht, wird im ADFC-Tourenportal fündig – at

Source and contact address:
ADFC eV – Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club – Bundesgeschäftsstelle Stephanie Krone, Pressesprecherin Mohrenstr. 69, 10117 Berlin Phone: (030) 20914980, Fax: (030) 209149855
