
Olympia-Star power Stefan Raab fit – Regina Halmich says “stinksauer”

Olympia-Star power Stefan Raab fit – Regina Halmich says “stinksauer”

This is a Boxkampf der bezonderen Art. Former World Champion Regina Halmich teamed up with a woman with a German lesser experience. No less than ex-entertainer Stefan Raab entered the Ring on the 47th birthday – and he was led by Mal. The TV legend has received prominent reports, with the message “Bild”.

Slag den Raab, now different. Diesmal tritt der 57-Jährige nicht wie früher über morehrere Stunden and in verschiedenen Spielen gegen seinen Gegner and. Maximum running for two minutes during the campfire in which they both come out – there is a ko.

Tiafack becomes Raab’s coach

Raab is played by the Ring and TV Comeback of Nelvie Tiafack. The Bergheimer plays during the Olympic Games in Paris in the Bronze Medal. Now he will be in Düsseldorf as Raab’s Trainer in the Ringecke Stehen.

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It is one of the most common details, the bi-slang that makes the 57-year-old age possible. Raab must prepare himself intensively for the battle in Cologne. There is nothing you can do. No press conference, no show training and even the sitordnung in the first part that Raab personally eliminates. Prepared 2001 and 2007 stood as Raab and ex-World Champion Halmich in Ring gegenüber. Halmich occasionally went back as a sieger. This time, it seems, Raab will definitely erase.

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Seine Gegnerin stört derweil de Geheimniskrämerei. “I have never heard of Monaten, but I am not alone. I found a Phantom and sold shares to Raab Entertainment,” so Halmich. Dennoch is the best at the age of 47 and can handle the Kampf with better padding in the best hands.