
Boyens Medien: Schuften en Schottern: Workation with the Gravelbike

Boyens Medien: Schuften en Schottern: Workation with the Gravelbike

Holidays and work to combine are in trend. Cycling without. The region of Upper Bavaria will connect both and thus lock new guests in the region. A concept with future?

Parsdorf (dpa/tmn) – Die letzten Kilometer zu meinem Co-Workation-Domizil lege ich, who else can do it, with the Gravelbike zurück. Trotz leichtem Nieselregen setzt sofort a Urlaubsgefühl ein.

Vorbei a Bauernhöfen radle ich vom Bahnhof Vaterstetten in just 20 minutes after Parsdorf. The small Ort is located near the Munich City Area – touristy or not, but in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Wald and the first Hügeln. One of the best options for wheel touring, a cleaner way to work and perfect for a new trend: Gravel-Co-Workation.

If you understand the meaning: Gravel bedeutet übersetzt Schotter. Gravel bikes combine, a little bit, the dynamics of a rider with the geländetauglichkeit and mountain bikes that are just like knitterer. And you’re lying in the trend.

Co-Workation or designates the combination of vacation and work with colleges – hence the “Co-“. A model that pops up more than once and that is – then one of the colleges – with digital nomads and people with flexible working conditions to become more credible. The Corona pandemic has exacerbated this trend.

German return

In other Italian states, people are offended by the concept. In Germany, hotels and tourism regions are still experiencing some sort of return. “If the chance of a new job trajectory increases, the land area of ​​the Alps is getting bigger. Because it was like that, it is not the case that: the Work-Life-Mountain-Balance,” said Veronika Engel, who with my Verein CoworkationAlps is promoting the topic in the Alpine region.

A walking, yoga or e-bike co-working are a natural common brainwave. Now but we want to grind through Upper Bavaria.

The first Tour führt from Parsdorf heraus in den Wald. The Sonne is united by the Baumkronen and shines in the dense Moos. It works a bit in a Märchenwald. Nur auf die Wildschweine müsse man, says Guide Max Marquardt. There is a group that starts in the first years and is a typical Bayerischen Wiesen with Kühen. After 20 kilometers the small Ort Glonn is reached.

Coffee and bicycles

Lisa Hinterholzer and her partner have been a Kaffeerösterei here for 15 years, the ideal place for a first stop on the Radtour. “Radfahren and Kaffeetrinken are brought together, it is history with other innovations,” explains Marquardt. Coffee repairers are always welcome as sponsors at Radevents, many ambitious Radsportlers are looking forward to the coffee for the sister Leistungskick.

Now I am a better person for sports activities, as well as for Erholung in Upper Bavaria. And so it is im entspannten Tempo zurück Richtung Parsdorf. The route through the asphalt through the southern Bayerische Dörfer, over a small pass, over the Schotterwegen through the forest and over a wiese. The various parts are no problem with the Gravelbike. After a 50 kilometer drive you are on your way to the «Bader Hotel» in Parsdorf.

Ab an den Schreibtisch im Hotel

Were it vacation, I could raise the feet. If you are a leader in your Workation. Also at the small writing table in hotel rooms. It is a fact that it is all so, it is a sport that goes to the sport and with free head and it is better.

In the Holzstuhl it is if it is good, ergonomic working is not so natural here. An internet connection can be complicated in its limits. Before the start of the Arbeitstage as Hotelzimmer also only stipulated, a night with small tasks is an older Abwechslung. Besides damaging the view ins Grüne and the very tasty evenings in the hotel restaurant.

Community with CoworkationAlps examines the region of Upper Bavaria, the working conditions and the digital infrastructure in the accommodations that improve and cooperation to promote. If you can no longer use the Co-Workation trips, you can better put together a package.

The guests must usually organize their own arrival, accommodation and transport by bicycle. A number of hotels in Upper Bavaria are just a few of the most popular hotels in Upper Bavaria. “That’s a chance for life, the tourist destination is not so good and it is possible to experience the classic time of the world”, says Miriam Hördegen from Verein Tourismus Oberbayern Munich. Co-Workation can deploy young people in the Locken region in combination with sports.

There are no private persons who are engaged in cooperation for their business organizations. Here you will find a number of things with the «Bader Hotel» that offers an extensive conference room. However, many companies from the concept are not allowed on the screen.

“Where home office is not normal, one must not speak about workation”, said Veronika Engel, see during her engagement in Fortschritte in the Alpine region. On the portal with or there are special offers for groups, who want to work in the future – not in other parts of Germany, but in whole Europe.

With free head on the face

In Upper Bavaria, during the evenings, there were snow showers, matsch and temperatures in the Gefrierpunkt auf mich. Not for Schönwetterfahrer. If you want to use a Gravel bike. Also ab auf den Sattel.

Diesmal führt der Weg southwards in Richtung der Alpen. It is about a forest area and a natural way to enjoy an undisputed charm. The Radfahren power over the Kopf is free, and in a small group it is now the case that everyone becomes stronger. But take the temperature with the same Kilometer from, Hand and Zehen frieren. Insofern I am froh, that is the Etappenziel Holzkirchen that is smaller than 30 Kilometers there.

Here works Christian Lutz from Specialized. The US bike repairer has founded a company in Holzkirchen and made a profit with Trend zum Radfahren. «Gravel bikes are from the US from the Teich zu uns geswappt. If it’s good, it’s a trend, one of the things we still want to do, so Lutz. Also co-working offers with the Art Fahrräders dare to stop there.

Weites Betätigungsfeld in Oberbayern

Damit das Radsportangebot in Oberbayern auch angenommen wird, work the Region an der Besserung von Radwegen and Infrastructure. With the Hopfenschleife, the Salzschleife and the Kunstschleife, tourist activities can deviate from the routes that go together with various routes and thematic Schwerpoints. The 2018-eingeweihten Wasser-Radlwege stretched over 1,200 kilometers.

Am Nachmittag is for me a journey to the Hotel-Schreibtisch. The combination of work and radeln in a new, unique function for my personal feeling and what a special journey is. A work that happens in the Rahmen von Workation, becomes more and more work.

If you want to use a quick marketing strategy, you can do anything: Ferienwohnungen, hotels or campsites with Internet and Arbeitsplatz mieten, Rad en Kollegen or Freunde Mitnehmen. Das Konzept hat in jedem autumn wool Zukunft. Ob man es dann Gravel-(Co)-Workation no more.