
Einbürgerungsstau in Bavaria: Über 70,000 unbearbeitete Anträge

Einbürgerungsstau in Bavaria: Über 70,000 unbearbeitete Anträge

With the new State Code of Conduct so that Einbürgerungen will proceed more quickly. Patience brauchen Einbürgerungswillige dennoch: In Bayerns Communes gab es Ende Juni 70.845 nicht abgeschlossene Einbürgerungsverfahren.

It is an answer to the ministers of the interior on a problem of the SPD in the Landtag. This is the message of the „Süddeutsche Zeitung“. The SPD has chosen a ‘Fast Lane’, an integration trend that is being shod.

Deutscher Pass has become a success after eight years

The state reform of the state reforms is light abroad, you can contribute to a German pass after eight years to set. In Ausnahmefällen dies he after three years possible. You can appeal here to the question of guilt or Job, your knowledge of matters or your involvement increase. Zudem ist mit der reformistische reformen in general.

Read more: Faster Einbürgerung and Doppelpass for all: Behörden rechnen with great interest

If you start the printer’s ink drawing on June 27, you can cross the line. The communities with the derzeit meisten Einbürgerungsanträgen in the Landeshauptstadt Munich, Nuremberg and Augsburg.

In the first period of the 2024 annual meeting, the Innenministerium zufolge bayernweit 37,129 Einbürgerungsanträge gestelt and davon 22,512 Personen eingebürgert. I am looking at: I am in the year 2023 in the free state of amtlichen Statistik nach 36.103 Menschen eingebürgert zijn.

SPD: “Alarming number”

The political migration of the SPD faction in the Landtag, Arif Tasdelen, says: “The alarming number of 70,845 unbearable citizen complaints can best continue the urgency after a “Fast Lane” for citizens. While integration in Bavaria and a part of the community want to be, there will never be more money in the state citizenship. “

It is urgent that there is a regular use of data on the expiration date and the removable anthracite, for the sharing of products. “Only in this way can we achieve transparency and strengthen the trust in our administration.”

The Ministry of the Interior has set the free state on digital technology, a report of the development: “When the digital Antragstellung enlightened in Bavaria was carried out, it was made a part of and German efficiency was gained”, this is es.

– dpa