
Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2: The best Waffen

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2: The best Waffen

In Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2, a human lies in the mission area. Often you ask yourself that question: So will I be happy with my moments, order not? Emphellungen z den best Waffen come ihr an dieser Stelle!

The best primary weapons

Primärwaffen machen kurzen Prozess mit Spezialgegnern and Fernkämpfern, verursachen aber also fell Schaden against Bosse. Make sure to perform the following steps the first time.

Stalker Bolt Gun

The Stalker-Boltgewehr can come out of the Ferne and drop some ammunition.The Stalker-Boltgewehr can come out of the Ferne and drop some ammunition.
The Stalker-Boltgewehr can come out of the Ferne and drop some ammo. (© Screenshot GIGA)

Das Stalker-Boltgewehr hat fell Ammunition, forgiven suffered damage and is commendableIn his work, Damit can call on an expert who causes less damage to an execution.

Bolt-Shrapnel Weapon

The Bolt-Schärfschützengewehr is the most powerful award weapon in the game.The Bolt-Schärfschützengewehr is the most powerful award weapon in the game.
The Bolt-Schärfschützengewehr is the most powerful award ceremony in the game. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The Bolt-Scharfschützengewehr has the highest firepower in the game after it loses its ammo. It’s good to get in Verteidigungsmissionen und Bosskämpfensollte aber danach ausgetauscht be.

Melting fire

This costumed Schrotflinte is very strong against Horden and Spezialgegner.This costumed Schrotflinte is very strong against Horden and Spezialgegner.
This costumed Schrotflinte is very strong against Horden and Spezialgegner. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The melt water can Sehr fell Schaden auf kurze Distanzen and is good for special opponents, enemy towers and forearms. It takes a long time to load and can be used over longer distances.

Bolter carabiner

The Bolt carabiner is not as big as a big night.The Bolt carabiner is not as big as a big night.
The Bolt carabiner is very likely and has no big night. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The Bolt carabiner has high speed, wind power and ist very good against gargoyles. There may be a problem with the consequences of an execution, first if your research is carried out.


The Sturmboltgewehr from the Rüstkammer feels close to the Granatwerfer.The Sturmboltgewehr from the Rüstkammer feels close to the Granatwerfer.
The Sturmboltgewehr from the Rüstkammer feels close to the Granatwerfer. (© Screenshot GIGA)

In the Leveln you will find the Sturmbolt-gewehre with Grenade launchers, this is no longer best Waffen against Gargoyles and GegnertürmeThe grenades were removed through the ammunition boxes.

The best second weapon

This sector can appeal to the task that this first basiswaffe has had. Deshalb is flexible for the postponement.

Plasma gun

The Plasma Gun is quickly ready to become the best Wahl.The Plasmapistole is fast and the best Wahl.
The Plasmapistole is quickly ready to become the best Wahl. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The plasma gun can charge your device and is the most weighted gun. I am the best, that’s true no reloading is necessary and if you want to do it again, if you are in your life. If you move on, it is no longer possible.

The best close combat weapons

Your Nahkampfwaffen is the best answer to the enemy hordes and can be used, a fear to parry, on the market and a representation of specialgnern on brechen.

Energy hammer

This rolled waffle is the best medium, even if there were many hordes.This rolled waffle is the best medium, even if there were many hordes.
This rolled waffle is the best medium, even if there were many hordes. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The energy hammer is the best Waffe against Gegnerhorden. There is a long way and it is true, with my parries.

Energy efficiency

The energy burner is the most common campfire, the rest room can get a boost.The energy burner is the most common campfire, the rest room can get a boost.
The energy burner is the most common campfire, the rest room can get a boost. (© Screenshot GIGA)

The energy value is two stops: One for damage and one, one to break defenses. The energy force is one of the most powerful weapons against enemy hordes, special forces and bosses.

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