
Let’s Dance Couple gets: So you can enjoy both more

Let’s Dance Couple gets: So you can enjoy both more

Very quickly a few years of images of Malika Dzumaev and Zsolt Sandor Cseke from the „Let’s Dance“ dream couple schlechtin and verzauberten who perform a large amount of tanzturnieren in the land of an ethnic man.

At the end of August, the two posted an emotional statement on Instagram, in the Tanzprofis erklärten, dass aus ihrer Liebe een innige Freundschaft sei (more about watching the video). There are more great „Let’s Dance“ personal images of Joachim Llambi that focus on the most popular way. Both have taken the trouble to do something in their first post, but it is another explanation that we can find the gemeinsame Zukunft on the Tanzfläche.

Statement on Instagram: “Wir nehmen Abschied vom Turnier- und Wettkampfparkett”

Since 2015 Dzumaev and Cseke für de Grün-Gold-Club-Bremen auf verschiedenen Tanzparketten in ganz Deutschland en schafften is lettztendlich sogar in de German Bundeskader. This triumphal procession took place with an emotional Instagram post from ex-parchens nun ihr Ende.

“If we abstain from Turnier and Wettkampfparkett, we will get a new Kapitel,” both will begin with their Ankündigung. Directly in the connection you can see all things, so that you can do more with them at the Shows and training sessions.

“Der Tanzsport hat we don’t have any Tänzern gemacht, without our knowledge, it was worth it, for the rest of our lives, for our own trauma and also with the help of our future of Leidenschaft,” he continues below the post. Abschließende Worte des Dankes founded Dzumaev and Cseke on a “Tanzeltern”, the largest part of the Grundstein for the Karriere der both Profi-Tänzer extends.

Here you can post the post on Instagram:

“Unser Dank screams for all our shared memories of Tanzeltern Roberto and Uta Albanese, who let us celebrate the new year here in Bremen, while new inspiration, gefordert and gefördert have,” they both wrote in Bezug auf ihr Tanz-Lehrer-Paar.

It is not that the profit of both is made profit, but both can be used as trainer bzw. Trainer or trainer of a Turnier-Jury propose.