
Versuchter Femizid: Olympia-Athletin in Kenya angezündet

Versuchter Femizid: Olympia-Athletin in Kenya angezündet

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The Olympic team member Rebecca Cheptegei became a brutal Beziehungstat for her soul mate. Your partner is responsible for Benzin and is staying in Flammen.

Update from September 5, 9:19 am: Trauer a Rebecca Cheptegei: The Olympia-Läuferin from Uganda is one of the most important Brandverletzungen that is stowed. “Wir haben vom traurigen Ableben unserer olympisch Athletin Rebecca Cheptegei erfahren … nach einem bösartigen Angriff durch ihren Freund”, wrote Donald Rukare, chairman of the Uganda Olympic Committee, at X.

In Kenya, the woman is a woman with a verbreitet: Offiziellen Statistical data has given her wife of 15 years ago a körperliche Gewalt. Inherited women are no longer reliable, the Kenyan statistical data are 41 percent of real women and 20 percent of untrusted women Vicfer von Gewalt.

Rebecca Cheptegei is lost.
Rebecca Cheptegei is lost. © IMAGO/Gladys Chai von der Laage

Versuchter Femizid: Olympia-Athletin in Kenya angezündet

First registration on September 3: Trans-Nzoia County – Langstreckenlauferin Rebecca Cheptegei from Uganda, the trauma of the Olympic Games was alleviated, it is now an opportunity to become an entsetzlichen inspiration. After the Marathon in Paris you can enjoy the best experience at 44. Platz. Nur wenige Wochen später ereignete sich das schreckliche Ereignis in Kenya.

Versuchter Femizid in Kenya: Olympia-Star von Ex-Freund mit Benzin übergossen und Angezündet

Reports spread kenyan more ruthless Cheptegei in his own home of his ex-partner, Dickson Ndiema Marangach, with Benzin mountain oxen and danangezündet. The athlete has had a career of 75 percent in his time.

Cheptegai (center) will eventually reach 44th place in the Marathon at the Olympic Games in Paris. (Archive photo)
Cheptegei (Mitte) aimed at the Olympic Games in Paris at 44. Platz im Marathon. Now could produce one of the best results. (Archive photo) © IMAGO / VCG

After local police raided the house in Marangach, Cheptegai was confronted with his children in the Kirche war. Dann comb is from the gray Tat. “Man who wants to be present in the home. Während der Auseinandersetzung wurde gesehen, wie der Freund eine Flüssigkeit über die Frau goss and sie dann burnnte“, so Jeremiah ole Kosiom, police commander of the Trans-Nzoia County.

Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei has excellent training skills

A nachbarn can assess the damage and raise the alarm, so that the withdrawal and the firewehr last as long as possible. Cheptegei would have ended up in a nearby Krankenhaus, after the Schwere had done his work in the referral hospital in the city of Eldoret. A message from the Krankenhaus messages, that is the seriousness of it.

The police report is enthusiastic, that the Angreifer Verbrennungen and Verwalzungen erlitt and ebenfalls ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde are. If you have bought a 5-liter canister, it is worth doing this. A mobile phone, the vermutliche Cheptegei is called, is secured.

Abuses in Kenya ensure that women are not alone

The origin of the situation is not clear, but it will in the passage a higher degree of effort. The police message was distributed by Cheptegei and Marangach on the Grundstück, on the fact that the Vorfall was ereignete.

Long-distance runner Rebecca Cheptegei (left) was an ex-boyfriend of his ex-boyfriend with Benzin mountain oxen and angezündet.
Long-distance runner Rebecca Cheptegei (left) was an ex-boyfriend of his ex-boyfriend with Benzin mountain oxen and angezündet. © IMAGO / USA TODAY Network

Leader is this grusame Tat in Kenya without himself. Statistics indicate that this is a Drittel from the Frauen from 15 years ago that there was a problem. Insbesondere heiress Frauen lead under the Gewalt their Partner. Auch Sportlerinnen are affected. 2022 the Läuferin Damaris Mutua will be financed in a house in the Kenyan city. Nur wenige Monate zuvor de die Rekord-Langstreckenläuferin Agnes Tirop in derselben Stadt erstochen.

It is possible that Rebecca Cheptegei in her schweren Verbrennungen von the next dies schrecklichen Tat erholen and bald wieder zurückkehren on the Laufstrecke zurückkehren. (LuHa)