
Das Fernsehen is tot, es live das Fernsehen!

Das Fernsehen is tot, es live das Fernsehen!

Trump vs. Harris

Das Fernsehen is tot, es live das Fernsehen!

The TV debate is vermeintlich in a format that is performed. But bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Amerika plays a separate role. Ironically on Instagram & Co., which makes the Revival possible.

First Presidential Debate: Republican Richard Nixon (left) attempted to convince Democrat John F. Kennedy to telegraph and act as a siege.

First Presidential Debate: Republican Richard Nixon (left) attempted to convince Democrat John F. Kennedy to telegraph and act as a siege.

Image: Str / AP NY

“The televised world is over,” Kevin Spacey swears in “House of Cards.” Spacey plays an American president in the latest Netflix series. In reality, due to misconduct, Ungnade has fallen. If you get your money back, you can no longer let politics play a role, war is no longer possible. Netflix’s successful streaming service, Reed Hastings, prophesy of 2014, classic televised world was launched “once again in the year 2030.” Will a US presidential duel also take place in four years for the very last time?

If the Fernsehen is an Auslaufmodel, it is seen as a good example – and relevant. President Joe Biden’s message in the debate with Donald Trump on June 27 was put on the candidacy. One of the service’s first duels with Trump and Kamala Harris was the sender ABC who had suffered a trauma.

The two Candidates are busy. So Trump, who started four years ago, is not so important anymore. Harris said that the message of the “New York Times” was for a lot of fun in a hotel-hotel, one of those things. And when a TV studio has appeared and with a deliberation, Trump is seduced and that is so true.

An Aussetzer can separate the Wahl

Both erase: your first investment can be separated, where the Weisse Haus einzieht is. A grober Aussetzer, an unnoticed loss – it can be verheerend be. This effect is only the live-television. It is a good cut, no manuscript, no teleprompter.

The Harris Team thinks Trump’s microphone is offensive, which he says: Man must only hear his unflattering Threinreden. Harris has said that Trump has become “self-proclaimed” by provoking, US media reported with Verweis in his environment. If the microphone is now a duel, I have the impression that Trump has been given the power, which a failing self-control knew.

The story of the 1960 signage began in Australia, at Kampf John F. Kennedy against Richard Nixon. Wer am Radio zühörte, sah gemäss Umfragen de Republikaner Nixon as siege of the debate. We were due to be prosecuted, empfand the Democrats Kennedy as supremely cheerful. Sein Erscheinungsbild, seine Ausstrahlung und sein direktes Sprechen in de Kamera Powers in Unterschied aus. Nixon enjoyed looking at makeup; seine Stirn glänzte, under there will be vaderurch nervös.

«Fernsehpräsident» in the museum

Every former US president came to a museum in the city of Kennedy in Boston. It was the first ‘Fernsehpräsident’ war, but in the Ausstellung viel Raum ein. Kennedy lies as chairman of the press conferences on television, was very popular.

After Kennedy died the walls of the Wahlduelle of Fernsehen, until the year 1976. Stets had one of the two Candidates a Grund, so that Trump could see Harris. After the argument had appeared, the discussion could come to an end, whereby the messages about the final decision were forwarded.

Kevin Spacey and Reed Hastings have started their linear predictions, friends of streaming and social media have disappeared. This is a banal experience. Press conferences of American presidents are still of interest on the TV today. During the debate about the presidential debates, it is important to recognize that TV and new media are not cannibalizing blooms, but can be very good.

Es direct die Videoschnipsel

Videos from the 90-minute broadcast were sent millions of times to Instagram & Co., and in the summer it was a big Reichsweite as the ABC transition. On the social platforms, videos have become more important in the past years, text and pictures were pushed back. Facebook and X have used Tiktok.

Barack Obama, in Weissen Haus from 2008 to 2016, as the first Facebook president. Damas, Zuckerberg’s Plattform was still more textually and visually difficult. It seems that the Fernsehdebatten have never had a multiplier effect, which no longer occurs in the Zeitalter der Videoschnipsel. This is the other way in which the new meaning is carried out.