
LAC-Inter conjures up SC Mannswörth and cheers the first punk

LAC-Inter conjures up SC Mannswörth and cheers the first punk

SC Mannsworth

In a heart of the game of the four rounds in the Wiener Stadtliga the LAC-Inter match could win with 1:0 against SC Mannswörth by the set. The only Tor of the Tages is Moritz Urbanski in der 50. Minute, where the Mannschaft is the first Saisonsieg and at all the first punkte is safe.

Enjoy the first half-term

The war in the war phase was carried out by an intensive midfield operation, while the no team was clear. The defense rows of both teams are ​​​​safe and lie down to fight. The LAC-Inter-setzte is a defense compact, in which the Mannswörther attacks are carried out, while the schnelle Konter is gefährlich zu werden.

In addition to the Mittelfeldspieler David Obradovic and Ramaz Kalch from LAC-Inter showed a strong performance and the guests lost little space for the exit. Other players from SC Mannswörth saw Captain Christian Hautzinger and the agile Aldin Ibrahimovic while he was doing an attacking attack. Keep the organization of the host family going.

The separated moment: Urbanski trifft zum Sieg

If there is a torlos, it is difficult to perform between both teams their tactical tasks, so that half of the individual moment is achieved. In the 50th minute, depending on Moritz Urbanski, the ball is played free once and the LAC interim with 1:0 in flight. The ball would be a thrown away, but in the back of Urbanski, more than 20 meters in the Ecke-traf.

SC Mannswörth responded softly and high to the Druck, an Ausgleich zu erzielen. The Einwechslungen der Gäste brought fresh wind into the party. Laurenz Thirsfeld and Mohamed Hassanein are in the game and play Mannswörther’s offensive. If there is a problem, the hit will result in a shock. The host families in their lives with Leidenschaft and Einsatz bis zum Schlusspfiff.

Votes for the game:

Horst Musil (Sportlicher Leiter LAC): “We are happy with our Siege, and our Mannschaft is more worthy of it. If we are happy with our Helfort, we will not be without minutes, we will be able to enjoy it. WAF war is worse than usual – it was a game and loser than 0:5, it’s a learning process and more than ever.

Wiener Stadtliga: LAC-Inter: Mannswörth – 1:0 (0:0)

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