
Nordbögger trifft at Avantgarden-Schützenfest: Jubel für Fynn Täuber

Nordbögger trifft at Avantgarden-Schützenfest: Jubel für Fynn Täuber

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Nordbögger trifft at Avantgarden-Schützenfest: Jubel für Fynn Täuber
Nach Fynn Täubers Königsschuss gab es kein Halten meer. Marcel Taggatz (left) and Luke Schnieber lie in their new royal house. Christian Brandt bergab in the last Stück des Vogels. © Jan-Niklas Dalley

In Wiese and Witheborgstraße the “Young One” of the Schützenvereine is enshrined on the Vogel. 649 Mal, dann war der König ermittelt.

Bönen – “Nordbögge City” is located near the Schützenplatz an der Witheborgstraße. Lautstark, the Nordbögger Avantgardists rejoiced in their new king. The Nordbögger Fynn Täuber crowned itself with the Gemeinde-Avantgarden-Schützenfest zur new Majestät and loses the best Jens Krabs and his king Jeannine ab.

20 Wettbewerber, four Stunden Beschuss

Der 20-Jährige hatte sich gegen rund 20 Kontrahenten im handsome four-stündigen Schießen durchgesetzt and hollow den Rest des Vogels met dem 649. Schuss aus dem Kugelfang. It is a fact that the Nordbögger’s debt is on the Schulternse Vereinskollegen. “I cannot be described”, meinte der avant-gardist, der a few seconds braucht, een seinen Siegesschuss zu realize. ‘The war is in the Silbertablett. It is a must passion. Man must strive hard,” says Täuber, because the beginning of the Schießens is not such that it was justice, that is certainly the King’s title.

Jens and Jeannine Krabs (right) have bergaben Königskette, Diadeem and Schärpe and the new royal couple Fynn Täuber and Leonie Gohlisch. Pascal Müller (left) and Marcel Taggatz were presented with a tufted adjutant collar.
Jens and Jeannine Krabs (right) have bergaben Königskette, Diadeem and Schärpe and the new royal couple Fynn Täuber and Leonie Gohlisch. Pascal Müller (left) and Marcel Taggatz were accompanied by a team of adjutants. © Jan-Niklas Dalley

The war did not fall more oben vom Adler

Einfach war der Schuss jedoch nicht. Zuvor brought the Bonener Carsten Burzynski with the Kopf des Vogels zum Kippen, the soft drink from the Kopf is still not fading. Ledglich ein kleines Stück keeps the Peace of the Birds and of the Schraube. After Burzynski, the Nordbögger Marcel Taggatz and Pascal Müller were in the Reihe, both chances were not worth it. Let it cool and enjoy the cup from the Kugelfang. “I was very lucky and my friends were my best friends, all of them were. The bird has fallen and half a century of war I am happy with the avant-gardist. Seine Freundin Leonie Gohlisch is its king. As king’s adjutants they were the Nordbögger Marcel Taggatz and Pascal Müller.

De Krone-fiel früh, dann dauerte es

You dare to let the other avant-gardists shout about the badge. Der Bonener Rouven Voß sicherte sich bereits im vierten Schuss die Krone. The Boden Insignia is located directly on the Anschluss field. Mike Labandt, ebenfalls aus Bönen, schoss den Reichsapfel ab. Das Zepter went into the North of the Gemeinde: Pascal Müller met im 23. Schuss. I am 277. Versuch holte sich Fritz Röer (Avg. Bönen) den Recht Flügel. The left Flügel worked with his 378. Patron of Jan-Niklas Dalley (Municipal Nordbögge) abgeschossen.

Ausrichter Bönen, Wester-, Osterbönen zufrieden

Not for the new King Fynn Täuber, but for the Ausrichter Martin Brünnich, the war is a gelungenes Fest. The Princes of the Schützenvereins Bönen, Wester-, Osterbönen milling as the good response and the zahlreichen Königsanwärter, that is zum Ende een die Königswürde duellierten. “If we have other parallel changes, we will have a second day of Zulauf and the loss of Spaß,” says Brünnich.

The Gemeinde-Avantgarden-Schützenfest, the trio of Bönener Schützenvereinen with Avantgarde in Wechsel, is aimed at a special Veranstaltung. “These are the young avant-garde artists”, Weiß Brünnich. The King’s Title has a meinung nach a greater Stellenwert als der kleine Vereinskönigs, der beim Bier-oder Biwak-Schützenfest wird.

“Here in the large community of Bönen, he has regained the title of Avantgarde King. It is now a year ago that the great Association King, after the avant-gardists had so conceived it, brought the title into his own Association,” explains the “V1” of the Bönen Shooters.