
Moldy Erdbeer marmalade: Darbo started Rückrufaktion

Moldy Erdbeer marmalade: Darbo started Rückrufaktion

The A. Darbo AG started a recovery operation. From the environment of the “food protection products” since the two charges of the products “Darbo 70% Fruchtreich Gartenerdbeere 200 g” are taken from the traffic. Vom Verzehr would be shortened, while Schimmel could improve health.

Both of those affected by Schimmel charged since:
Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum 21.06.2026 and Release number L 173 4
Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum 24.06.2026 and Release number L 176 4

This information about your jewelry at Deckelrand follows:
MHD 21.06.2026 L 173 4 bzw. MHD 24.06.2026 L 176 4

Other Darbo products and other production costs of the products “Darbo 70% Fruchtreich Gartenerdbeere 200 g” have never been affected, this is a von-ze of A. Darbo AG.