
Mallorca: Junge ertrinkt in Pool von Hotel – Beteiligten droht Haft | News

Mallorca: Junge ertrinkt in Pool von Hotel – Beteiligten droht Haft | News

Palma de Mallorca (Spain) – Take a step back from the Pool, the Junge (6) plan more in the near future of the children’s area, beautify your relationship with your child. If you want to have a child in the wash…

Die Tragödie is honorary on August 25 in the four-star hotel “Iberostar Waves Cristina” on Playa de Palma (Majorca). At the end of the day 17 hours and on deck Hotel guests from Leblose Kind and riefen den Non-truf. But the Young star.

How do you know the passion?

A Death mission the national police have announced the crisis and the light of an arrest notice for the fall.

Darin paints the Policethe swimming pool of the hotels in a children’s and adults’ area is no longer possible, this area is being combined. For both areas you have a rescue swimmer in the Hotels in receipt.

The 4 star hotel from the outside

The 4 star hotel from the outside

Photo: Aresou Leisdorff

The Ermittlungen are plans for the Sechsjährige zunächst in Kinderbereich, everything is unnoticed in the Erwachsenen area, where there.

Tragic: The options below are suitable for both rescue swimmers according to the time of the Accidents Your position is suitable for welding. The Pool war ohne Aufsicht. Auch die Eltern, die aus France come sollen, ließen ihr Kind kurz unbeaufsichtigt.

Retungskräfte kämpften am Beckenrand a study long one of the small young and relaxing experiences, in the case of Herz-Lungen-Massage wiederzubeleben – vergeblich.

It dries the rescue swimmers

If you make an effort, you can become the standard of the unglücks as fahrlässige Tötung gewertet. Both of whom are Rettungsschwimmerinnen des Hotels Wurden von der Mordkommission über ihre Rechte as mutmaßliche Accused aufgeklärt and ihre Aussage unter Beisein ihres Rechtsbeistands aufgenommen. The police message would have served a different purpose, because its publication has now been confirmed.

Bartolomé Salas Seguí (46), a resident of the Balearic Islands, said: “You can easily cope with the changes in the weather conditions of the time of year when you are in Gefängnis. If you take a different route through the display or light display, this time cannot be changed. When the time came, you thought you would be in the obhut of the rettungsschwimmer sicher.”