
Christian Lindner’s Endspiel: Guck’ mal, wer da spricht

Christian Lindner’s Endspiel: Guck’ mal, wer da spricht

Household 2025
Lindners Endspiel: Guck’ mal, wer da spricht

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP)

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP)

© Action Press

Christian Lindner brings the Haushaltsentwurf 2025 into the Bundestag. Nur in welcher Rolle, fragment mancher in der Ampel da besorgt: as Minister of Finance – or FDP Chief?

It is Christian Lindners who more Auftritt, his Moment. The Question is only, wozu is in his nutzen world.

At 12 noon, the Federal Finance Minister will officially introduce the Haushaltsentwurf for 2025 into the Bundestag. Jenen Finanzplan, als de Ampel-Spitzen itself nach monatelange Verhandlungen nur mit Ach en Krach verständigen konnten. Der die Regierung beinahe geprengt hätte. And while I’m there, there’s still 12 billion euros of happiness.

Nunists are in parliament, the work in a law to cast. It would be a political problem. In any case, if we enter into cooperation with the Lindners, it is possible to support the Ampel-Politician, the FDP and his party in this matter.

Christian Lindner in der Klemme

Does Lindner want to introduce Haushalt as Minister of Finance? Or in the signaler Rolle as FDP-Chief, the signaler changed party with a few pithy Ansagen new Kampfgeist einzuhauchen versucht? The Sorge for a provocation, the unwanted new weathering in the Ampel-führen-würde, is jedenfalls groß.

Lindner is a genius at the service form of the entire parliamentary investigation, all eyes are focused. The commissioning of the main buildings is traditionally the first Tagesordnungspunkt after the summer break. It is an official starting point for the multiple house operations, in the case of the strong Ampel parties with profile areas that last so long, including conflicts.

“Here we come to three independent coalition partners with independent thinking schools,” says Dennis Rohde, political leader of the SPD faction. stern. “Our responsibility is a problem, the answers will not be a problem with complaining.” In other words: Einfach wird’s nicht.

Zumal der Druck op Christian Lindner in his own Reihen wächst. After the Wahlniederlagen in Osten – in Thuringia flog man aus dem Landtag, in Saxony kam man wieder nicht rein – ist der Frust bei manchen Liberalen groß. The Australian sought a basic initiative from the Ampel-Koalition, an end to the “Trümmerkurses” – or a Rücktritt Lindners as Parteivorsitzender.

The ultimatum is that the leading FDP politician will not make his own, they will borrow a former Ampel-Aus from the past. But the predecessor said: It is going well with the Liberals. For years, an FDP Mitglieder investment has now become one of the verbs in the Ampel history. And now? Although the debt burden will be a little, but the debt is no longer in the cellar.

Lindner faced a dilemma. There must be a Leute at Laune, but it is worth torpedoing the Haushaltsverhandlungen so much that it becomes a kind of Coalitionsbruch. The political flurschade was despised, because the FDP woman would be catastrophic: while the new liberals would fly the liberals – outside the active government – ​​in the Bundestag.

The Frage also lautes: Can everything be good?

SPD-Haushälter Rohde will reduce Haushaltsloch auf eintelligen Milliardenbetrag

Decisions were taken over from the House in November. The Greens can make “relevant statements” about the management, even if the SPD still does not see it. “A construction site is certainly from the GMA, it is worth a billion dollars,” said House politician Rohde. Common: that 12-billion-euro financial gap.

At this height the global Minor Ausgabe (GMA) can taxi. The amount must be paid in 2025. Who, it is not yet clear. As a rule, this happiness in the laurel of the head offices is put by the money, there is no longer any talk of it. The GMA is also a value for hope.

“Das Ziel is, in addition to the GMA on two production volumes, also at 9.6 billion euros,” says Rohde. It is a realistic growth in Geldern, which never happened once. “Für die Umsetzung erwarten wir constructive Vorschläge auch von der Bundesregierung.”

Christian Lindner, who is reducing the Haushaltsloch by 9.6 million euros, will buy his first boats. The possible savings are in “Bericht aus Berlin”: “I am ready to make further proposals if I am asked.” The SPD and the Greens have taken other support measures than the Finance Minister, while they want to reform the current debt regulations.

The future of the coalition remained with the housing experts of the factions. SPD-man Rohde is maximum, that is a solid, constitutionally compliant housing stehen wird. “The things were not done well, but they would be led with the coalition partner.” If it is less subtle and the Ampel-Spitzen strengthens, the differences in the media are increased.

At 12 o’clock everything would stop.