
UGG brings the digital version to Olching

UGG brings the digital version to Olching

With the expansion of the glass facade by a large glass facade (UGG), the city has become a modern and future-proof digital infrastructure. This technological modernization is certainly possible, while you are sitting on the platz in a digital world.

UGG – Powered by Allianz

Our Green Glass Fiber (UGG), 2020 in Ismaning (Bavaria), is a joint venture between Allianz and the Telefónica Group. UGG supports digital technology in part of the German region through the self-employed construction of glass fiber infrastructures. As an investor, Allianz provides financing investments and investments with infrastructure projects, in which telephony with technical know-how in the construction and operation of glass fiber networks is implemented.

A partner of the municipality

UGG is more of an infrastructure manager – an extended partner for the community on the road in the digital sector – with the soul, in cities and rural communities of hiking trails of the more modern fiber optic infrastructure in the city. I believe that others have bought UGG with a pre-marketing quote and a state financing from the past. Zudemet UGG Glass fiber connection direct to the house (FTTH) is only up to the citizen’s path/road edge (FTTC). Dadurch profit making Residents:inside of stable upload and download rates as well as a future-proof Internet connection.

How construction is progressing

The UGG glass fiber network offers an unterird overview, from the central main distribution points (sometimes called “Points of Presence”, PoPs) to the home use of the residents:innen. Because modern construction techniques have started with Einsatz, one of the most attractive and challenging versions of the technology, but it is the Gegebenheiten erlauben. UGG must take the trouble to take the trouble to fill the burgers: while cooking.