
ZF-Mitarbeiter wollen protest against Stellenabbau

ZF-Mitarbeiter wollen protest against Stellenabbau

After the first attempt, 14,000 couples protested at Autozulieferer ZF wollen Tausende Mitarbeiter am Dienstag (from 8:30 am). “If we carry out this action, we will make a frontalgriff on the Belegschaften in Deutschland wehren müssen,” said a Betriebsratsprecher am Hauptsitz des Konzerns in Friedrichshafen. Allein am Bodensee was carried out with 3000 Teilnehmer erwartet.

ZF announced the end of July, which will be announced at the end of 2028 in Germany. ZF factory with more efficient Standortverbunde mit schlankeren Structures. There are currently 54,000 people in Germany with their external civilizations. In welchem ​​​​Umfang Reduzierungen and de 35 Standorten vorgesehen sind, was “in the kommenden Wochen konkretisiert”, this is a seinerzeit vom Vorstand.

Debts and Sparkurs

If the debt is from a third party, it is first a strict savings program. In that one year the costs will be worth a few million euros, this is so. Yes, the E-Wandel votes for your choice. Der Zulieferer, the more heitliche der Zeppelin-Stiftung der Stadt Friedrichshafen gehört, will invest a lot of power, a with the Konkurrenz Stride stopped to buy.

When the Betriebsrat is here, it is so that the Kolleginnen and Kollegen are no longer as good as the four ZFler in Deutschland lose their jobs. On the stand you will find a number of Strauss and Activities activities: «Betriebsratsinformationen, Protestkundgebungen, Demonstrations, active Midday breaks and Writing activities».

Protest also in Saarbrücken

In Friedrichshafen, where marches and protests take place, Standort Mannheim has become a car company. Auch Saarbrücken met der Zeit 10,000 Beschäftigten beteiligt sich an dem Aktionstag. After the involvement of the Betriebsratsvorsitzenden, the Saarland Prime Minister Anke Rehlinger (SPD) and Economic Minister Jürgen Barke (SPD) became erwartet.

Weltweit laborerd 169.000 Menschen für ZF. Am Bodensee since around 10,300 people. ZF has more than 160 production sites in 31 states. 2023 has generated a value of 46.6 billion euros for the Unternehmen.