
Schulstart in Würmtal with ausgebildeten Lehrkräften

Schulstart in Würmtal with ausgebildeten Lehrkräften

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Schulstart in Würmtal with ausgebildeten Lehrkräften
In the 577 young Würmtaler he started with the purchase of a new life cut. © Thomas Warnack/DPA

For 577 Kinder in Würmtal, a new life began with education. Sie haben Glück: All class lessons are ausgebildete Lehrkräfte. The encouragement of the school is deeply appreciated.

Die Grundschulen im Würmtal begrüßen heute 577 Erstklässler. For the children, the first debt is already the big thing: the anticipation, the clarification, the ranking and the settlement of the debt. Was the children’s niece: Auch an de Schulen herrschte vorabe large Aufregung, thennn ausgebildete Lehrer since the time a handsomes Gut. The debts in the Landkreisen Munich and Starnberg are a big step in the personal situation, who now receives class education with Einsatz in the Grundschulen in the Würmtal, who has absolutely left a regular Lehramtsstudium. The war of the Landratsamt Munich dies a note in a press conference. Zu Recht, find the Rektorin der Grund- und Mittelschule Lochham, Nikola Kurpas. “They dare to challenge themselves.”

Over the years, questions and substitutions have probably arisen. If you have studied abroad, you can study the study of other people or in the Ausland, explains Kurpas. They are not workless now: “We still have substitutions, but not for the core teaching”, so the Rector.

The Landratsamt Munchen writes: “Für das kommende Schuljahr konnten für die Grund- und Mittelschulen im Landkreis Munchen 120 zuätzliche Lehrkräfte with insgesamt 1350 Wochenstunden eingestellt. These are very good at using the basics and are established in the basic boats in the Nebenfächern.“ As a qualification, the Rule must include an inheritance from abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Bezug zum schulischen Fächerkanon nachweisen. One of the last roads to fall in the Landkreis Munich is a mobile reserve with 127 Lehrkräften and 2007 Lehrerwochenstunden gebildet.

The 65 Schüler, who starts in the first class at Lochham, makes a profit with his old Mitschüler. The debt is so good because of the merging of the different types of staff that they get more money and differentiation when they buy boats a few years later, says Kurpas. When the account is no longer valid, the Mittelschule is one of the best options, but it is not that big yet.

In Gräfelfing there are 65 First Classes in three Classes and the Start. It is a child’s wish if I gather a year. Damit is Gräfelfing keine Ausnahme. The Grundschulen in the Würmtal will generally start more children in 2023. The Munich District will celebrate the day of the schülerzahlen. 2023 besuchten dort 13 994 Kinder eine Grundschule, Stand heute since 14 740. The Würmtal also changes with the trend.

In Gauting 147 statt wie im vergangen Jahr 149 Erstklässler starts. In Krailling it was 61 years ago that a year ago was 74 years ago. In Stockdorf it was 47 years ago that they did not have Kinder as in Vorjahr. In humoured since he has 85 Abc-Schützen, which are aufgeteilt in four classes. I started in September in Dort 93. In Martinsried 44 statt 53 Erstklässler, aufgeteilt in zwei Klassen started.

“It’s a beautiful small class, so people can work hard,” said Karl-Heinz Schmid, who, after a year as Commissioner, is now Headmaster of the Martinsrieder Grundschule. Erklärt: “I can totally enjoy the guilt and life of Margit Baran-Lander even more.”

The municipality brought the school in Martinsried to the beginning of its new debts, nor to the new state of the art. All classes are now with smartboards – Tables, the functions of tablets – expanded. The herkömmliche grüne table is no longer in use, it is neither in the classroom, but no longer in the center, but then on the next page. A good combination, finds the new Rektor.

In Planegg heute 63 First Class at the Start, both little as im lost in Herbst. The sogenannte Partner class is looking forward to a child zwolf. See a year of Müssen Würmtaler Schüler des Sonderpädagogischen Förderzentrums in Unterhaching keine weite Reise more unternehmen, um zur Schule zu kommen. If you choose the partner class in the Planegg class and get the tags in Hort or Mittags-betreuung your own Sprengelschule-betreut, is one of the children’s knowledge zulernen. “That’s what you do, you take good care of it,” said Planegg’s Rektor Sebastian Körber. “Die nehmen an allem teil.”