
Personalmangel in der Gastro: “Jahrelang hat sich keiner bewoben”

Personalmangel in der Gastro: “Jahrelang hat sich keiner bewoben”

In the Lavanttaler Gastronomie the personal approach to the kitchen. Three Gastronoom in conversation.

LAVANTTAL. The personal mangle in the excellent gastronomy that in recent years a serious redevelopment possible. If you register, you can expect the qualifications of the found objects. Also in Lavanttal is the mangle large tents, like three gastronomic messages.

Lighter advance

Markus Schober from Gasthaus Gössnitzer in the Granitztal describes the situation as follows: “Monatelang, wenn nicht jahrelang, haben wir kaum Personal bekommen. Even if no one is aware of it.” But in the meantime it will appear that the Blatt laut Schober will soon be addressed. They report that there is a lot of work that they have done in the kitchen and also in the service, so the Granitztaler is interested in other people who want to report this. If these are used in a natural way, it is a thing of the past,” says Schober, nor later. Im Gasthaus Gössnitzer was carried out by persons who were concerned with: three in the kitchen, a service and a cleaning force.

Family support

Auch Martin Deixelberger from Hotel and Gasthof Deixelberger in Gräbern spürt de Auswirkungen des Personalmangels, konnte sich aber durch de Unterstützung seiner Familie über Wasser haltn. “I have to say, we are very happy with it, but now we will be able to enjoy our family. Apart from the families, all this is not possible”, explains the Gastronom deutlich. Bewerbungen von außerhalb erhält is keine. If you look at the Besetzung der Reinigungskrafte, you know which position Deixelberger has chosen for everything for Mütter, the Zimmerreinigung has now found no statistics. Deixelberger beschäftigt and both Standorten – dem Gasthof und der Schwarzkoglerhütte – insgesamt eight Mitarbeiter. “I’m glad, that’s not lighter in my opinion. Viele der Babyboomer, de Rückgrat unserer Wirtschaft bilden en de Gastronomy has had a long life, jetzt in Pension“, fügt Deixelberger Hinzu. “The handicrafts and gastronomy are the most exciting.”

Always Enough Personal

Marco Rabensteiner vom Gasthaus Deutscher in St. Andrä said he was affected. “It’s a relatively good idea,” says. Der Betrieb beschäftigt fünf Lehrlinge, there are four in the kitchen and one in service, so they are both happy. ‘If there was a season going on there was a war in a wringer, but generally there was no question of spürt. We always enjoy Personal,” reports Rabensteiner.