
High Tide brings positive intention events joint venture legal cannabis to the events and trade world

High Tide brings positive intention events joint venture legal cannabis to the events and trade world

IRW-PRESS: High Tide Inc.: High Tide Brings Positive Intent Events Joint Venture Legal Cannabis into the Events and Trade World

New joint venture follows Alberta province’s separation, cannabis pop-up stores at history festivals and events

When that press conference deals, it is a draft of a press conference, which went from the Prospektnachtrag of August 31, 2023 to the Kurzprospekt of August 3, 2023.

CALGARY, ALBERTA, September 10, 2024 / IRW-Press / High Tide Inc. (High Tide or the Company) (Nasdaq: HITI) (TSXV: HITI) (FWB: 2LYA) – a successful, independent, dedicated company, the founding word, one of the cannabis components that is a real part of life, may be that it is a joint venture with the firm Positive Intent Events (PIE), which has developed a cannabis gastronomy sector in Canada. This announcement comes after the province of Alberta separated from it, licensed cannabis pop-up stores at festivals and events for adults to enjoy.

With 183 Canna Cabana retail locations in all of Canada, High Tide, measured by the number of locations, is the world’s largest cannabis retail store and the largest in the province of Alberta. This national market is characterized by a number of strange things, a stationary trade at various events and presentations of an unglazed beet experience spectrum. Check out the results with PIE and more cannabis pop-up opportunities in Canada.

As the largest Cannabis Single Market in Canada with an eye on the market, it offers innovative and disruptive Discount Club models – one of the Canadian Provinces, which gives a distorted view of a market price of 11% – also in the There are many cannabis sales at the sale of events, such as music festivals, comedy shows and entertainment shows. High Tide may get a bigger and bigger opportunity, as Raj Grover, Gründer and Chief Executive Officer of High Tide.

If there are people who like to see, you can expect a shameless production of a product with a higher quality and a better price. Therefore, a great Freude is concerned with the Cabana erlebnis with the direct to your veranstaltungen bring, wo sich unsere Kunden komen. In PIE an Event Partner is financed, the best know-how in the regulations and the event industry, one of the institutions that Vision sent to us, Mr. Grover has informed.

The Gesetzlichen Vorschrifts buy zunehmend Raum for the Einbeziehung of Cannabis in the host country and tourism, and in that Umfeld ermöglicht a partnership with High Tide a nahtlose Wachstum in Ganz Canada, so Daffyd Roderick, Managing Partner at Positive Intent Events.

That’s the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival so positive that you can say it’s absolutely true that cannabis is a responsible thing to do, while Mr. Roderick wants to do it.


PIE is an example of an event organization in the province of Alberta, which deals with professional logistics, organization and sponsorship – the organization of cannabis events for adults and a more extensive presentation with the Abenteuerkulinarik verschrieben hat.


High Tide, Inc. is a company that is grown by the community, on the Einzelhandel fokussierte Cannabisunternehmen, that is ausgerichtett, the full Wert of the mighty Pflanze of the World zu erschließen and ist the zweitgrößte Cannabiseinzelhändler weltweit, memes en der Anzahl der Geschäfte Wie von ATB Capital Markets reports , based on the stock market on February 8, 2024

. High Tide (HITI) is one of the most common strains used by cannabis consumers in the United States, which has a good quality, which integrates the entire sector of the cannabis industry, ua:

Single-Trade Stationery: Canna Cabana is Canada’s largest single-trade cannabis chain with 183 current locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Trends are rising. Canna Cabana will enjoy the first handler with a Cannabis Discount Club in 2021.

Innovative Einzelhandel: Fastendr is a unique, fully automatic technology, the integrated e-commerce technology, a shopping experience of possible while browsing, while ordering and while shopping.

Konsum-Zubehör: High Tide offers a wide range of e-commerce platforms for business in the world, including,, and

Brands: High Tide’s branches and consumer brands include Queen of Bud, Cabana Cannabis Co, Daily High Club, Vodka Glass, Puff Puff Pass, Dopezilla, Atomik, Hue, Evolution and many more.

CBD: High Tide Culture on,, and further explore the possibilities of CBD for consumers.

Großhandelsvertrieb: High Tide provides the Cannabis category with Großhandelslösungen über Valiant.

Lizenzierung: High Tide is treibt the cannabis culture through new partnerships and Lizenzvereinbarungen under the names Famous Brandz weiter voran.

High Tide ist Trends is one of the best trends in 2021 and 2022 in 2023, Report on Business Magazine of the Globe and Mail as one of the most notable things that Canada does on the TSX Venture 50 in the course of 2022 and 2024 as one of the best Actions of the diversification industry generated. It seems that High Tide appeared on the list of the most recent US news for 2023 of the Financial Times as number one in the category Retail. If you visit you will find the full Wirkung of High Tide at the end. If you are aware of the general information about High Tide’s profile on SEDAR+ and EDGAR.

The TSX Venture Exchange and its regulatory body (referred to in the TSXV Articles of Association as Regulation Services Provider on the Net) do not provide any responsibility for the content or availability of press releases.


This press conference may contain future-oriented information and future-oriented information in the form of a valid paper statement. The Verwendung der Wörter can research, discover, understand, predict, estimate and provide background information, the small historical facts are such that the information is aware and based on the active operation one of the Annahmen des Unternehmens is clearly the ergennisses and the time point will make their first use. In this way, the possibilities of other types of joint ventures and other companies are increased, but we will see more opportunities for cannabis pop-ups in Canada. The instructors would not be able to respond to the correct information about the distribution. The actual ergennisses and developments can be erheblich von denen abweichen, which come to print in these statements. When the world comes out of the war, die at that time that the country comes out of the country, it is a fact that the country comes out of the war, factories and Annahmen in Bezug on future honors, which as a knowledge can and will expose rich risks and uncertainties, of it is one of the few controls in the area of ​​lies, ultimately, but not limited to the risk factors, which are included in the overprint Non-exhaustive list of risk factors in Attachment One of our active information forms and another set in this The press conferences were conducted, because these factories from time to time in our regular business operations could be carried out, under and The press conferences that are aimed at the press are postponed by the warnings and the mirroring of the onternehmens zum Zeitpunkt that makes the press conference wider and can no longer be carried out. The Internet has never been so easy as it is active or if you want to view new information, whether you want to take out a loan or use another company, or a hornet’s nest anxiety about the Ereign aresen and solchen zukunftsgerichtten Informationen zu erklären, es sei, die is nach geldtendem Recht ervorderlich.



Media contact:

Omar Khan

Head of Communications and Public Affairs Officer

High Tide Inc.

[email protected]



Request contact:

Vahan Ajamian

Capital Markets Advisor

High Tide Inc.

[email protected]

Positive Intention Events

Naomi Mison, Diplomatic Advice

Director, Public Relations

[email protected]


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