
Oil price is under pressure – how can OPEC be outmaneuvered?

Oil price is under pressure – how can OPEC be outmaneuvered?

CMC Markets: WTI-Rohöl has fallen crazy to USD 68 per barrel, a 13% setback in more than a week. The acceleration was more factors zurückzuführen, and the Umstellung des Energieverbrauchs in China from Diesel to LNG, was a smaller diesel fuel consumption.

About 30% of the new LKW in China were operated with LNG, with a diesel consumption of 800,000 to 1 Million Barrel per day.

The market is an umbrella organization and geopolitical risk management is not important.

OPEC’s production pushes production to a higher level, creating a production bubble and production price higher than the pressure.

If you press the button, you can see the negative consequences of climate change, while not the geopolitical tensions or the Weltwirtschaft being a sudden economic boom.

Who wants to delay the US-Wahl on the oil price?

Of course, the potential of the US presidential election on oil prices and the energy sector has never ended.

Running the Candidates you can use might create a not so intuitive situation.

If Trump would lower his energy price and inflation, the economies/projects and regulators could start, it would be time for the overnight financing of it.

You can use some of Harris to increase energy prices and inflation, while production fossil fuels become more mainstream.

Grundsätzlich continues to develop oil and gas resources in the Western Hemisphere, where political challenges, rather than geological or financial ones, are used as the main obstacles to the production of the entire production sites, soft drinks available on the market here lie.

WTI Oil Chart

What is OPEC doing?

OPEC’s role in regulating global oil prices is even more important, but the flow of the economy is increasing as more countries invest in new technology and their production is no longer suspended.

The developments in Venezuela have become so heavy that the potential of the countries will receive a great expansion of the power of the Angebots and will exert the control of the OPEC countries, if the US inflow increases and oil production increases.

We can still argue that OPEC has given the broader state of affairs and the US leadership’s US ambitions a chance, which were there, Aktionärskapital zu opfern, one of the produced production. This aggressive Wachstums thinking may be a factor that further schwinden the OPEC inflow into the global oil market.

In the US, the economy benefits from a robust industrial sector and a strong technology industry.

This diversification is possible because the US control base is not so strong that the oil industry is distinct from the other Petro-States in Saudi Arabia or Iran.

Lower energy prices could cause tax revenues to rise in the background of various other sectors.

It’s a new oil price for the US, but peak production isn’t such a night for the OPEC state.

Oil price is under pressure – how can OPEC be outmaneuvered?

Who wants to continue with oil prices?

The US economy has a far-reaching economy and a greater position of power in Chinese politics, a recession, a takeover by Trump and the US situation in the east of the country under the control of the halts.

Der Gegenwind überwiegt derzeit de Rückenwind, soft drinks from 6 to 9 months for the energy sector a herausforderung-darstellende sollten.

If the US-Wahlen ask one of the key Wendepunkt questions, that is what happened.