
Apple and Google lose for EuGH to dpa-AFX

Apple and Google lose for EuGH to dpa-AFX

LUXEMBOURG (dpa-AFX) – After striving for a millennium investment, the two tech giants Apple (NASDAQ:) and Google have gone to work for a Niederlage before the European Court of Justice (EUJ). The judge in Luxembourg is fighting a legal penalty of the EU Commission for Google in the amount of 2.4 billion euros and has beguiled Apple with a tax payment in the amount of 13 billion euros. For the EU Commission, both cases are a triumph. “It is so that the European tax payments say, that is what a tax right can be,” says Legal Commissioner Margrethe Vestager.

Ireland Beihilfen were right-winged

Im Fall von Apple went a Steuernachzahlungen in Höhe von ursprünglich 13 Billionen Euro – plus Zinsen. Who Apple is working on at the EuGH-Entscheidung Mitteilte lasts on September 28. September celebrates four years ago that a single Steuerbelastung of his cattle of 10 Billion US Dollars (gut 9 Billion Euro) became famous.

The EU Commission informed the iPhone repairer 2016 about the bet that put the money on a trust account. 2020 is from Apple before the EU-directed, the nachforderung is no longer available. The Commission has never done an investigation, the Steuervereinbarungen of Apple in Ireland in the years 1991 and 2007 were a verboten record of service, argumentation of the Richter.

Grundsätzlich is a freer law-bewerb-herrschen in the EU. Einzelne Mitgliedsstaats dürfen diesen Wettbewerb nicht with particular benefits for single companies. In addition to Ireland and Luxembourg, there are roads Steuerdeals in der Kritik in the Verleidingenheit.

The Commission is taking up the fight against the EU guidelines for and by succession. The judge at EuGH has started here and has finally discovered the fall: Ireland has made Apple a right-wing choice, which should be reversed. The EU Commission has achieved the best results by the production of Apple products from the United State economics profit of the Irish secondary losses should be müssen.

Apple shows it’s fixed

At Apple it is so that in the fall it does not work to go, who also liked to take another direction. “We always pay all the taxes we owe, even where we are, there is no special agreement.” The European Commission looks, the rules of the fight against each other and ignore, the Apples Einkünfte, which the international tax law demand is, are in the US ordered. “We are disappointed by the current divorce.”

The Irish Management is teilte with, the Urteil self-confident care for the respecters – if the Country in the Standpunkt has vertreten, it is not a Steuerliche Vorzugsbehandlung for Unternehmen or Steuerzahler gibt. In the Apple-Fall period, a fragment was created that now has no historical relevance. The entsprechenden Vereinbarungen seien nicht meer in Kraft.

Google has abused Market Power

I got rid of Google and am a long-drawn-out by the Google Shopping Price Comparison Service. The EU Commission has given Google a 2.4 billion euro money bussiness in 2017. If you argue that the Internet is on the page for all kinds of products, the resulting own results are based on the competitors that you can use. You can consult Google for services that offer a waiter Stelle and Hervorgehoben with images and text. Such services of the competitor service are now longer as a blue Link.

Therefore, after the investigation by the EU Commission, the Nutzer de Ergebnisse von Googles Preisdienst started clicking on the Konkurrenz. These were based on the Datenverkehr von Googles allgemeiner Seite angewiesen, a more economical follow-up zu signal. Google has written the Market Management System, Argumentierte de Brüsseler Behörde 2017. Google and its Mutterkonzern Alphabet (NASDAQ:) written to the EU-Strafe zunächst ergolglos for the Gericht der EU and zogen daraufhin for the umbrella EuGH – wieder ohne Erfolg: Dies bestätigte Nun die von der EU-Kommission verhängte Milliardenstrafe.

It is not that in general there is no question of a foreign company, but your own affairs or duties are dealt with if the law bewerber, acts right-handed. Vorliegend sei das Verhalten von Google “in Anbetracht der Merkmale des Marktes und der spezifischen Umstände des Falles” aber diskriminend.

Also Google enttäuscht vom Urteil

“Wir since enttäuscht über die Entscheidung des Gerichts”, said a Google speaker. This means that you will have to spend some time with your loved ones, as you will be prepared for 2017 and that you will be prepared for the entscheidung der Brüsseler Behörde nachzukommen. “Unser Ansatz hat mehr als een nicht gerung funktioniert und milliarden von Klicks für mehr als 800 Preisvergleichsdienste generiert”, er says.

Jubel is based on Ideal: the Vergleichsportal understands the Urteil and sprach von a Sieg for the joint E-Commerce and for all Traders, such as Albrecht von Sonntag, Mitgründer des Portals. It is a historical tag for the wettbewerb and the Verbraucher in Europe. The Bundesverband Digitalpublisher und Zeitungsverleger (BDZV) and the Media Association of the Free Press (MVFP) have dismissed the Entscheidung der Richter and bezeichneten as others.

Get started with Linie for the EU Commission

Look at the EU Commission and the divorced commissioner of law Margrethe Vestager and both are a bigger problem. The divorce is a bigger problem for the European citizens and the rightful justice, while the country goes after the Declaration of Independence.

In Brussels it is possible to work for a number of years, while the legal regulations of the state-owned technology industry can prevent this. If you have established the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the dominant position of large online platforms is the law of the EU Commission and Google, which has invested eight billion euros in one go for a year with more money. Der Konzern verdaute diese mit seinem boomenden Online-Werbegeschäft black schnell, mustste alledings in manchen Fallen sein Geschäftsmodelländern.

These are the best Steuerdeals that will help Brussels companies in the region – Apple and Ireland will go to Amazon (NASDAQ:) and Luxembourg to see more. There were no articles that the Maßnahmen erfolgreich, a Beschlüsse wurden von europäischen Gerichten kassiert. The time of EuGH lasts here until signal transmission.