
Those who enjoy their leisure activities

Those who enjoy their leisure activities

Ftraveller’s fun or fearful nuisance? The art and the convenience are, however people tense, and they see their logic. Would it be that it is a good idea, with the Kayak a waterfall-backward or is it a stock management and a control-setzen? Now, actually a whole bunch of people. The typical Adrenalin junkie tut all dies und nog veel more.

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Those who enjoy their leisure activities

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Those who enjoy their leisure activities

Free-spirited fun or dangerous nuisance? The art and the convenience are, however people tense, and they see their logic. Would it be that it is a good idea, with the Kayak a waterfall-backward or is it a stock management and a control-setzen? Now, actually a whole bunch of people. The typical Adrenalin junkie tut all dies und nog veel more.

Click as you go through the Gallery and find it wherever you are with the Entspannung Brauchen.

Wing walking

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Wing walking

This is the Economy Class of the special Art. Do it so that you can use a quiet Sunday morning meal.

Vulcan Boarding

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Vulcan Boarding

Imagine you can use a silk glove for three days as long as the chinstraps. Imagine you can make a breakneck move of a sperholzbrett and land in the Basaltgestein area. Yes, if you give the Abhang a volcanic wool filling, you may wonder if you can get a higher loss.

Marker marker

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Marker marker

Aren’t bridges a wonderful thing? The problem is just, it is no longer possible for the woman to be useful. The solution? Balance as you do one of the few things, while you cross the seemingly bottomless gorge. Security gurt optional.

Running of the Bulls

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Running of the Bulls

Who is convinced that more tons of meat go through a narrow street to a sister tower? Ask yourself, that is a nice trip in the Spanish Pamplona wagon.

Kayaking on a waterfall

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Kayaking on a waterfall

“Self-mortifying” comes to mind when the man describes this depraved method of following a river. Was this the alternative? Climbing a rock face with a kayak in hand? It is important that the man makes the leap and sets it on fire.

Bachelor party

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Bachelor party

If you take a few lungs from the large lonely silos, this distorted form of the underwater troughs is now in the Erwägung zu ziehen. Here is the air content and the fresh air space a good example.


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If you are also in one of the beweglichen plastic ball solutions, while leaving an abhang, you can determine the direction or do the controlled control. It comes from life in a Hamster council when it does not go anymore.

Whitewater rafting

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Whitewater rafting

If this adrenaline rush is carried out, this is one of the things that have to do with the risks and the notion of teamwork… until the flop and it is vermutlich that many a wasser schlucken.

Free Solo Climbing

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Free Solo Climbing

This exciting leisure experience can be used if a man has a well-earned leisure experience, which is typical of the environment, as well as in winding rain showers and climbs… ohne Seil or other Forms of Sicherung.

BASE Jumping

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BASE Jumping

Do you want to know if the abbreviation “BASE” is meant? It means: “Building, Antenna, Wingspan, Earth”, also Command, Antenna, Wingspan and Earth (Cliff). Jump from all four festive objects and they have earned the Wings.

Wingsuit flying

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Wingsuit flying

If the flight is best, he will be born with Federn, while he is no longer alive… These things are better avoided by the Adler of Truth.

webbed feet

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webbed feet

Spielberg’s “The White Shark” was a mechanical requirement with the Spitznamen “Bruce”. It’s another story, when a man with a real truth has a confrontation, so a hint gives to a käfig… and thinks it was so, my film was passiert!

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A sporting art, as in the city, compensates man runs, climbs, swings, jumps, crawls or rolls. Of course a man can ride on the bus.


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Damn see these last gorges, waterfalls and rock pools. If you make another spaziergang on the road. Grab the next pack a neoprene protector, a safety helmet, a glove, a climber and a climbergurt and sail yourself off. Easy.

Bungee jumping

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Bungee jumping

By creating a high-quality building, where the man is now one of the knöcheln with a rubber seal attached, he tries to answer a valid trust request and a listening portion for his own Wohlbefinden.


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Gardening! Gefährlich? Sicherlich niece. Nun ends up in the garden. In Alnwick Garden in Northumberland, England, a Giftgarten, in the Schierling, Tollkirsche and other highly poisonous Pflanzen is offered. Seien Sie vorsichtig, was Sie pflücken.


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Once there is a straight damage method, it is the best way to ski. If a Hubschrauber often flies through Turbulens, a high-altitude region nearby, the ground-based rescue service is unlocked. Lockerer powder snow gives avalanche danger, and was it, when wetter umschlägt? What is your lift to the house? Do you see the Option ski lift suddenly better out, or?

Clip feathers

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Clip feathers

There are a few horror movies about the uninspired look, the von Klippen in Flusse-jumping, it never stood out as a SUP slide. So weit gehen manche Leute, um zu beeindrucken. That is not true.


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If aggression is exercised in the street, it is probably wise here. Here is a Lizenz zum Schrottfahren and transgressions, to the last Räder stehen. And that is completely legal. Think about it, if you do this.

Ice letters

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Ice letters

What happened when the Hölle was frozen? Man climbs the Steigeisen and Eispickel again and starts to climb the glacier. It is possible that there is a frustrated waterfall, which forms a credible obstacle. If we all play a part, the worldwide experience will not come in the Griff.


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Is it freezing, what claustrophobic frequency is that? A high-quality walk with a high mass of history and a large portion mut. If you leave, you won’t find anything to worry about.

Dragon flies

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Dragon flies

If you do not know the atmosphere of the atmosphere anymore, you can fly with another way to get a knowledge of the geländes, while the man operates more and more and makes a long flight. A good Pilot is a entschlossener, a patient Pilot.

Giant wave surfing

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Giant wave surfing

The attractive Coastal City of Nazaré (Bild) and the Portuguese Silberküste are the Ort, and the largest of the times surfed Welle aufgezeichnet was: a satte 24.4 m high Walze.

Trick State Boarding

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Trick State Boarding

Warum de Treppe later, when a hand comes out of sight? Rechnen Sie mit Schnittwunden, blauen Flecken und dem een ​​gebrochenen Glied, wenn Sie nach Perfection Streben.

Schlittschuhlaufen auf eenzugefrorenen See

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Schlittschuhlaufen auf eenzugefrorenen See

There is a Ground, where the Ausdruck “sich auf thinem Eis move” gets into a certain situation, in the event that the situation worsens or becomes bigger. If you see a schlittshoe, it is not correct that the egg is broken off.

All-Terrain Vehicles

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All-Terrain Vehicles

A fall with quadruple Fahrzeugen is a leader without Seltenheit. Die Unerfahrenheit des Fahrers, das Fehlen eines Helms und siecherheitsausrüstung und einfach nur leichtsinniges Draufgängertum kan jedem een ​​Machine op jedem Untergrund und in jedem Gelände zum Umkippen.

Wild horses

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Wild horses

There are no real cowboys and a heartwarming business woman and woman, who have people and levels in a form of streamlined, walked and more beautiful kraft paper products. Raten Sie mal, are we more normal in the grass?


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When a man with a speed of 200 km/h uses a Spielraum for Fehler during the Luft session. The more ridiculous the parachute jumper, the more extreme the jump.


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You can meet Lewis Hamilton or Sebastian Vettel while Kartfahren first set a Steuer. It is a surplus, it was not to buy in the first run. Drive carefully.

Downhill Mountain Biking

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Downhill Mountain Biking

It was great fun to see how a mountain biker would do it, it was the best way to make the only effort, which would be blind through a fast penetrating forest, with the possibility to hang, a great Bau mstammen and versteckten Bächen übersät ist. Respect!

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