
VW-Kündigt Tarifverträge – Entlassungen from July 2025 möglich From dpa-AFX

VW-Kündigt Tarifverträge – Entlassungen from July 2025 möglich From dpa-AFX

WOLFSBURG (dpa-AFX) – Volkswagen (ETR:) The Beschäftigungssicherung has not been formally amended since 1994. If you solve the costs of your company, Europe’s largest Autobauer mit. Der Vertrag laufe damit Ende des Jahres aus. However, monate savings can be made from July 2025 onwards.

If the sale of a loan is completed, the guarantee of the guarantee for Auszubildende and the arrangement for the arrangement may be violated. Consortiums must ensure that the Consortium proviso is used and the dilution of the Verträge-beschlossen.

Tariff round is expected

The group will trade a new company with the company and the works council, with personal support from Gunnar Kilian. Zielses, if the Exit of the Employment Security Center 2025 is an Anschlussregeling for vereinbaren. “Die Zeitraum is one of the most important things that have to do with the working conditions of the company, while Volkswagen has a legally and future-proof position,” Kilian said about the Mitteilung.

“The active phase-slow of a verification at. This can be carried out, when we have taken the time to provide a perspective for our external procurement”, says Kilian. The actual first planned from October tariff negotiations for VW – Entgeltarif sollen vorzoet and after that you can get back to normal. It is worth using IG Metall for boats.

Betriebsrat kündigt Widerstand an

Volkswagen hates a long working day, which offers a job guarantee for 30 years and no longer excludes work schedules. Bisher had the group but no time point to embarrass. Operating council and IG Metall read their storm against the plane.

“Now the company has also made true, where we are going to take our days off,” said Chief of Staff Daniela Cavallo. Make sure you have your broader stance on the shelf. “There would be a historical fear about our arbitration practices in the Wehr set. There would be a small involvement in solving problems.