
Four-star hotel on the Badersee in Grainau is sold

Four-star hotel on the Badersee in Grainau is sold

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Four-star hotel on the Badersee in Grainau is sold
Traditional house in the best Lage: Das Hotel am Badersee in Grainau is affiliated with the Genossenschaftsverband Bayern. © MZV

It is not possible to perform the actions. The Volksbank Raiffeisenbank in Rosenheim will buy the Hotel am Badersee in Grainau. For those 74 employees, they have good Nachrichten. For Spaziergänger ebenfalls.

Das Hotel is sold. A sunny day leaves immer unruhe aus. Wirft Fragen op. Had it been new eigentümer? Was passion mit den Mitarbeitern? Was with the house itself? These fragments are stellten and sich sicherlich auch the Angestellten des Hotels am Badersee in Grainau. Seit Langerem verhandeln offenbar Noch-Eigentümer und potenzieller Neu-Besitzer über einen Verkauf. Hotel chef Jan-Claudio Rahn is not with the Tisch and does not know any details. But in a separated place the Belegschaft can say: “Wir bleiben all.”

Zu hehe Investitionen: Besitzer will run the Vier-Sterne-Hotel

The hotel is currently being heard by the Bavarian Societies Association (GVB), the Bavarian Societies – and above all the Societies banks – in taxable, legal and business economic questions are being addressed and tested. As 100-percent groups of the Bavarian Societies Academy (ABG) of the hotel and the company for the representative of the business-responsible, all for Jan-Claudio Rahn as one of the two ABG business leaders. The best thing that the GVB has done for the hotel is known to the Grund: your high investments. A million dollars in investments is a cost item for renovation. “The hotel is top, there can be an end to the power.” And the self-esteem will be depressed.

Schichte wiederholt sich damit. Auch Vorbesitzer Axel Schuh his own owner since the 1970s, the hotel has been sold – another one, with a renovation with a new channel and a new electronic more than one million euros costet-hätte. „Private war is not a matter of voting.“ This means that the community is not without special plans. Deshalb wechselte das Haus nach knapp 70 Jahren den Besitzer. In the years 1906 or 1907, the 85-year-old Garmisch-Partenkirchner, who bought his Großvater das Hotel, led the Frankfurter Hof as Geschäftsführer. A few years ago Grainau was appointed director and then he became Besitzer. Signal Sohn führte die Geschäfte weiter, signal Only ebenfalls. Bis 1974.

New Seehaus built for 17 million euros, but further renovations are insignificant

Money came from the Genossenschaftsverband in the following years in the hotel. A new Seehaus complett is available for 17 million euros. Before we invested for a year, 4.6 million euros were invested in Landhaus and Seine Tagungsräume. “It’s not worth it, but that doesn’t matter,” says Rahn. „Ganz im Gegenteil.“ But stehen eben die nächsten Baustellen an. Modernization, which the guest does not see. If there is a economic problem or one of the expiration dates of the sale, the concrete of the Geschäftsführer can be more. Top-Bewertungen hinterlassen Gäste auf Portalen, “the power of our stollen”.

Rahn versteht his Geschäft. Seine Eltern führten ein Hotel in Bad Kissingen, ist available. Since 18 years, a hotel fachausbildung, as General Manager, has been acquitted in Ganz Europa and the Eastern European Führungspositionen. Before you stay in Grainau, you can visit the second Verbandshotel in Beilngries. Tlopen will go from the GVB to Haus am Badersee. 74 Angestellte since dort civilization, 61 in Vollzeit. There is a power that keeps Rahn from having Sorgen, an ebenfalls niece of his own. “All parts were individually übernommen.” It is possible that the Verantwortlichen is so good. This is the Guidance for New Property Management.

Sale of the Vier-Sterne-Hotels: Übergabe an neuen Besitzer für 1. January 2025 planted

All according to plan, the four-star hotel remains in the family of cooperative banks. The Meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank mit Sitz in Rosenheim will buy the house, the conversations seem to run well. On January 1, 2025, the installation of the mountain will be carried out. To the details The power of Wolfgang Altmüller did not intend to give priority to the best results, but to the versprechen: “For employees nothing changes – outside a new owner.” Was not so special. Denn Altmüller can say one thing: “The hotel is a new guesthouse.” Well, the concrete is not. No problem. If you have a strange question, it is possible that the books are opened, but that is not the case. At Chiemsee jedenfalls plant der Bankenchef mit seinem Team de millionenschweren Neubau eines Traditionshauses, luxe soll’s were (View cabinets). And “the Hotel am Badersee is ideal on our own Plane am Chiemsee”.

Bürgermeister Stephan Märkl is not a resident of the Plane. There is now more, that is the Hotel zum Verkauf steht. And with the Frage, who has a grainy bet, it is a matter of time: Beim Zugang zum See ändert sich nichts. If Axel Schuh’s large hotel is in Badersee, you are obliged to continue the route for your children. Dabei bleibts. Denn der See steht nicht zum Verkauf.

Von signaler Perle, in his own right, King Ludwig II. lost, Axel Schuh never wanted to run. “Der bleibt in Familienbesitz. Auf jeden Fall.” Etwa 25,000 Quadratmeter miss, he encounters a pair of Hektar Wald drumherum. “That doesn’t bring me anything, but I don’t care.”

Major project at the Chiemsee

A million hotel projects can realize the Meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank, for example with Sitz in Rosenheim, in the Chiemsee. In the beginning of 2020, the Financial Institute will be the sponsor for a traditional house, the Hotel-Restaurant-Café Malerwinkel in the municipality of Seeon-Seebruck. This is one of the consequences of the new rain shower. Germany larger – 74 states 30 rooms have been planted – and Germany more luxurious – with Infinity Pool and Co. – the new Malerwinkel would be, 120 work places would be created. But there is right sich Widerstand. The citizens’ initiative “Rettet den Malerwinkel” has taken the initiative to show the Alztal protection association in the project an “extension of the Heimat and the Chiemsees”. The investor who lays concrete starts a project “of the region for the region”. Man wolle dieses wunderschöne Stück Heimat für die Heimat bewahren. If you want, there is no party. Ursprünglich sollte das Haus im Summer 2025 nach dreijähriger Bauzeit eröffnen.