
Happy End for EU Law Commissioner Margrethe Vestager

Happy End for EU Law Commissioner Margrethe Vestager

It is a triumph for Margrethe Vestager. If the EU law commissioner has a long life, the power of most American internet conglomerates will be reached internally. If you provide respect with bus fare in the Billion Heights, but also cash in their defeats.

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Jetzt, zum Ende ihrer Amtszeit, kommt de Dänin doubly Bestätigung vom Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH): Im a Fall ist eine hohe Kartellstrafe gegen Google legal, im others muss Apple endgültig Nachzahlen – die Irland, der Sitz von Apples Europazentrale, eigentlich gar nicht haben wil.

Appel loses Steuerstreit against the EuGH

EU Commission and Apple lie about Jahren im Clinch, now will bring in 13 billion euros. Now can alleviate a person’s behavior.

Both are a few things you can see when you start – once you have a problem, it is noticeable that you have a milder hat. Google has taken over the publication of the EU Commission, which has given Brussels new rules with the “Digital Markets Act” of the industry in Europe. Apple’s tax mills lie over a year a trust account, and the international hat man himself mid-range on a mindful management of companies geeindeigt.

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The development said that it may be that no one gets a hat. Mancher Chef a US Giant complains about the EU regulation, and to the part new products for Europe were demonstratively back-loaded. But at the end is this market, but is big and delicious, one of the things you ignore. And in other states – not so in the US – the European way could fall mittlerweile as Vorbild. Rules can penetrate man, even when the opponent shines excessively.