
“Sommerhaus der Stars” – Candidate Gloria Glumac experiences the intense Escalations

“Sommerhaus der Stars” – Candidate Gloria Glumac experiences the intense Escalations

Reality star Gloria Glumac nimmt with his friend Michael and the new Staffel of the Kult-Sendung “Summer House of the Stars” grow. I am a partner of my partner and I don’t want Blatt to do this.

In the position of power it is always possible to have a remarkable brand with Ausrastern. It is in Bocholt that there is no more war, it is a fact. Who Theresia Visser and Rafi Rachek best results in the area of ​​Ausstrahlung, which is the problem of reaching out with the hand:

Sommerhaus der Stars: Candidates 2024, Sam Dylan television

Sommerhaus der Stars: Die nächsten Candidates bestätigen die Gewaltvorwürfe! | RTL says so

I pass away for a year before I die… Read more »

Sommerhaus der Stars: Gloria Glumac is aware of her TV experience

The big Promi-Busen 2023
2023 after Gloria and “Das große Promi-Büßen” part. Photo: ProSieben/Nikola Milatovic

I have collected Glumac and the ProSieben-Sendung “Das große Promi-Büßen” for a year and had war with the candidates in the Büßercamp, a voluntary step forward. There is no more war in the broadcast of TV-Fehltritte. Damit can reach a man quickly if he practices the self-reflexion. If you have never had to deal with the high reality cosmos for so long, it is a fact that a certain format is displayed.

If Olivia Jones’ Beichtstuhl is the image of the “Furie”, it will be with some unangenehmen, who can himself be a hat, who can also do that.

Gloria and Nikola Glumac on “Temptation Island”

Temptaion Island Gloria and Nikola
Gloria and Nicola Glumac in “Temptation Island” Photo: RTL / Frank J. Fastner

In the four weeks that Staffel „Temptation Island“ Gloria played with his bad name Ehemann Nikola in his Reality-TV debut. They were both in August 2019 a couple and a couple years old for the exhibition and the show. In April 2022 I see your absolute treuetest. Gloria has taken care of Schlagzeilen. You bombard Ehemann during the launch of the Chamber with Beleidungen der Extraklasse.

Four months after the irradiation of “Temptation Island” the “major” excess follows – the Trennung der Glumacs. Neben der Trauer über das End des Liebeslücks, erab sich immersion in the Teilnahmebedingung für das nächste Format, at dem Gloria with their art for the best sorting.

GZSZ: Maren and Michi television

GZSZ | The kiss between Lars and Maren has some clever consequences!

Who knows what I have achieved, hat Lars (Hardy Krüger) Maren… Read more »

Gloria Glumac at “Prominently Renowned”

In “Prominent getrennt – The Villa of the Lost” Gloria and Nikola Glumac define the TV beef fast neu. If it’s good, it’s like this “Are You the One – Realitystars in Love” (AYTO) When you see, fly on the Tränen. Der Glorias Groll cannot be Gnade. Thanks Gloria mangelte is nicht een Geschrei, Unverständnis und Escalation in der Staffel “Prominent gerennt”. If no one cared: Irgendwie die es die both Streithähne trotzdem, das Format zu gewinnen. Was blieb, war das Image der Streitsüchtigen…

Summer House of the Stars: Sam Dylan, Rafi Rachek, Umut Tekin, Tessa Bergmeier television

Summer House of the Stars | Messer und Attacke: RTL excited about THE Mega-escalation of the new Staffel!

“Man can pull man out of the hole of the Gosse, but die… Read more »

Those who are interested in the “Sommerhaus der Stars” may find the next step exciting on RTL-Kosmos:

Sommerhaus-Star Gloria Glumac has a clear view

Summer House of the Stars: Gloria Glumac and his friend Michael
Gloria Glumac and her actor boyfriend Michael. Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Wegen Glorias bisheriger Auftrittein de Realityformaten, haben de Zuschauer:in ein eherwachsenes Bild von ihr. If you like it: “I am a promi-bußen dabei, weil I bei ‘Temptation Island’ a bisschen ausgerastet bin, nett gesagt, bei ‘Prominent getrennt’ auch”, in Olivia Jones Büßer-Camp.

Do you see Michael looking at another page in the summer? We are mega exciting!

Sommerhaus der Stars: Diese Candidaten since 2024

Eight couples see themselves in the summer house
The cast of the new staff Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Diese Paare kämpfen 2024 for 50,000 Euro Siegprämie

  • Schauspieler Raúl Richter (37) and Vanessa Schmitt (28)
  • TV Sternchen Alessia Herren (23) and Can (28)
  • Model & Influencer Tessa Bergmeier (34) and Friend Jakob (38)
  • Designer Sarah Kern (55) and Tobias Pankow (39)
  • Reality icon Sam Dylan (33) and Rafi Rachek (34)
  • Model Theresia Fischer (32) and Stefan Kleiser (57)
  • Reality personality Gloria Glumac (31) and boyfriend Michael (32)
  • Influencer and Herzensbrecher Umut Tekin (26) and Emma Fernlund (23)

Sommerhaus der Stars: Start and all TV-Termine plus Streaming on RTL+

Here is an overview of the new next steps display.

Sommerhaus der Stars: Do you want to follow the film on free TV?

  • Follow 1: September 17, 8:15 PM
  • Follow 2: September 24, 8:15 PM
  • Follow 3: 1. October, 20:15 Uhr
  • Follow 4: 8. October, 20:15 Uhr
  • Follow 5: 15. October, 20:15 Uhr
  • Follow 6: 22. October, 20:15 Uhr
  • Follow 7: 29. October, 20:15 Uhr
  • Follow 8: November 5, 8:15 PM
  • Follow 9: November 12, 8:15 PM
  • Follow 10: November 19, 8:15 PM
  • Follow 11: November 26 (Wiedersehensshow), 8:15 PM
GZSZ: Maren and Michi television

GZSZ | The kiss between Lars and Maren has some clever consequences!

Who knows what I have achieved, hat Lars (Hardy Krüger) Maren… Read more »

Sommerhaus der Stars: Do you want to follow the next streams via RTL+?

  • Follows 1: 10. September
  • Follow 2: September 17
  • Follow 3: September 24
  • Follow 4: October 1
  • Follows 5: October 8
  • Follow 6: October 15
  • Follows 7: October 22
  • Follows 8: 29. October
  • Follow 9: November 5
  • Follows 10: 12. November
  • Follow 11: November 19 (Wiedersehensshow)