
Jurassic studies in Hesse are possible with Bachelor-Abschluss |

Jurassic studies in Hesse are possible with Bachelor-Abschluss |

If you pass the State Examination, you will be able to read it with your hands. This means that you will also be in Hesse: you will be able to integrate your Bachelor of Law into your Jurassic Studies so that you can now open your alternative careers.

Jurassic study rendering in Lesesaal

Were the State Examination not best, so it could not be done with learning hands.
Image © picture-alliance/dpa

Next February, Jule Wenske will write his first State Legal Exam. Study Jura in 7. Semester at Goethe Uni in Frankfurt. Over 2,500 maps with settings and definitions for the exam itself. The fear of the separation is great.

“I can buy it – ever wenn I was different, I think: ‘That’s a study, I wouldn’t learn it,'” he said. Der Druck is so great that it is so.

Damit is Jule Wenske not alone. Many Jura students in Hesse complain about high mental stress – all for the background, the students, who have fallen during the state exam, can not offer a better perspective. Das will die Landesregierung nunändern.

Angst vor dem Scheitern: Jura-Studentin Jule Wenske

Angst vor dem Scheitern: Jura-Studentin Jule Wenske
Image © hr

Audio contribution


02:56 Minute.||Michel Setz

Image © picture-alliance/dpa|
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Jurassic studies can achieve a Bachelor’s degree

Jurassic studies in Hesse can easily be completed with a Bachelor’s degree. It is a fact that the Landesregierung und Universitäten in de Land, de Wissenschaftsministerium miteilte.

The bachelor’s degree is a new perspective, which focuses on the first state examination that is not the best, the concrete Minister of Justice Christian Heinz (CDU). He met that in the past year at 1949.

“If we do this research, the research into the study of the universities has begun, an international development and a higher education have begun,” said Finance Minister Timon Gremmels (SPD) in the Mitteilung seat. “The integrated bachelor is one of many years that the study of other studies can follow as the ‘classical’ legal studies,” says Heinz.

Alternative Careers for Studying

During the course of completing the studies, which have been studied and developed, the Grad eines Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) will be obtained. Hesse has traveled a path that has led to Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia.

The universities are starting to separate the resources and show, the study that is then carried out can be very good, if the state exam is not absolute or better.

With a Rechtswissenschaftliche Bachelor’s degree it would not be like Judge or State Attorney, who could find another Masterstudium in another direction or an alternative Berufsweg. With the Bachelor’s degree a study can be followed in the legal sciences of the industrial sector, in the Chancellery or in finding a job.

The Jura-Bachelor was also a schwarz-roten Koalitionsvertrag as Soul festivities become.

“Real fear of the night”

In the fight against the FDP opposition, the issue would be discussed in the Diet. The liberal Abgeordnete Marion Schardt-Sauer spoke of an “ewigen Angst vor dem Nichts durch Nichtbestehen: Das Damoklesschwert, das über dem Jurastudium hangs, muss away.” The studies carried out must ultimately come to a successful conclusion – auch im Kampf gegen the Fachkräftemangel.

AfD member Frank Grobe says that he has answered this question: “In classical legal education, it is not possible with an integrated bachelor’s degree.” If you do this, you must have an “artistically achieved academic title of students, who do a full-fledged Juraabschluss research, the study plans of the university”.

Regulation of the nature of the reversal forces

Laut Wissenschaftsministerium soll die Einigung von Regierung und Unis “zeitnah in de gesetzlichen Bestimmungen einfließen”. In the Landtag, Justice Minister Christian Heinz (CDU) spoke with his service, the Gesetzentwurf nor in those years.

Also the Frankfurt Jura student Jule Wenske could achieve this. When the government will pass the rebellious law. Laut Science Minister Gremmels is a two or three years. It was not active or discussed.

Fabian Weidenhausen


Source: dpa/lhe,, with information from Michael Setz