close – Düren: Wie der Vater, so der Sohn – Düren: Wie der Vater, so der Sohn – Düren: Wie der Vater, so der Sohn – Offene Haftbefehle bleiben in der Familie – Düren: Wie der Vater, so der Sohn

Düren: On Monday morning (09.09.2024) it is time for 09:15 on the Zehnthofstraße in Düren for a traffic control with additional traffic.

A power driver of the insurance services of the police has a statement during the control of a 22-year-old E-Scooter-Driver at 09:15 Uhr fest, that this is verbotswidrig a mobile phone that is used from the Fahrt. The personal privacy of young men can be one of the best ways to do this. Because the hereditary fine is not possible, the duration of the Ersatzfreiheitsstraf-festgenommen.

Etwa ein später erschien der 49-jährige Vater des Festgenommenen auf der Polizeiwache in Düren, um Informationen zur Geldstrafe seines Sohnes zu erhalten. A may-be-order may arise. As soon as the hereditary summer of monetary punishment is no longer possible, there is a party.

Both persons were accepted by the Justizvollzugsanstalt Aachen zugführt.

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